Friday, March 7, 2025

Wintertime at the Station, February 2025 - Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, I documented a delightful day adjacent and adrift astride the CN Kingston Sub on Saturday, February 8. In this post, we finish the day and in Part 3, it'll be a pop-up photographic panoply of freight cars from the day.

The third of four CN freights, all-auto rack 271 deigned to distribute its mile or more of empties far beyond the length of Kingston's kapatious platform! A long time running...
1158 WB - CN No 271CN 8932-5670 (top photo).
1203 WB - VIA No 63 904-3472-3460-3371-3309-3308R(en)-3309F(uture):
Tail-end car lets its high-red show, unlike a more hip Kingstonian blow-at-high-dough (I shot a still, in my home town, perhaps?) tragically, I can't come up with anything better to this mundane-but-someday-soon-to-disappear-view.
1252 WB -  CN No 305 3275 mid-train DPU 3356:


1320 WB -  VIA No 65 907-3464-3471-3341-3329F40(years)-3350 F40-3323R:
No 65 arrived 20 minutes early and met 30-minute late No 40.

1325 EB - VIA No 40 6408-3477-3459-3373-3370-4103:

Turbo-era signage on the fence has lasted long enough to see not one but two iterations of Turbo train produced by Rapido Trains Inc. I prefer seeing the Turbo 2.0 at the 14:10 mark HO-scale Kingston to all that Guildwood precursor - it's almost as alien as the 1:07 mark!
Departing east with a cornucopia consist comprising veritable VIAriety :
1413 WB - VIA No 53 913-3364 F40-3342-3340-3466-6412:
No 53 arrived 15 minutes late. Meeting No 64 at 1415.

1415 EB - VIA No 64 917-3464-3472-3302R-3361F-3314R-3306R. A mini-railfan gets the best view of all, pumping his arm for the 'honk' sign enthusiastically engendering two toots from the departing crew:
1445 WB - VIA No 47 910-3456-3353 F40-3360F-3366 F40-3312R snowed-in car view:
1525 EB - VIA No 42 Venture Set 21, arriving 25 minutes late.

Not road apples at least, road-salt Venture view:

Running extra...

Positive! Nik Delja of the Bytown Railway Society reached out this week to let me know about some recently-posted Youtube videos. Many of these were filmed by the late Bruce Chapman. This video shows the 1974 CP RDC fantrip that came to Kingston from the 8:00 mark. A great resource to wallow in nostalgia!

Negative! This happened this past week. One never knows what one will read next on social media! For April 1, the group will be changing its name from Canadian-Passenger-Rail to Canadian-Passiveaggressive-Rail:
In-between? American readers - you are welcome here. If you're in doubt where Canadians are coming from, this updated Youtube video will help. In the meantime, travellers heading from the US to Canada are taking it personally. And they shouldn't:

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Pop-up Post: CN No 321, March 2025

With cash from returning empties in hand thence a brief stop at Tims, bagel and brew in hand, I headed to Collins Bay for a few minutes before my next stop. This pop-up post will show the passage of usually nocturnal Southwark-Toronto CN No 321 at 1115. But first, coffee in hand but not cellphone, I roundly botched the shot of 'doublavay' (Venture J-train VIA No 62/52 with sets 14/16) at 1059. With two sets and 48 axles, this double-Venture is able to skirt CN's imposed crossing speed reductions and arrive more-or-less in time, once split at Brockville, at Ottawa if not Montreal - 11 and 29 minutes late, respectively.  

Let's call it the 'X' train because almost every car - mostly tanks, gons and covered hoppers - are leased. CN 3278 slowly hauls 321 into view from out of the undergrowth:
ex-Citirail CN 2760

Looking like Milwaukee Road CN 116416, 116410

Patched and re-patched former BAEX boxcars.

Carbon black car ECQX 4820

AOKX covered gons 43501, 43511, 43561

321/322 are always gon-heavy like ITFX 44313

Four digited IC 3814

EAGX 61168, TILX 110272, 112650, 111779 placarded UN 3264 and 1760
Likely ferric chloride for water treatment, hence the brown belts

Hastily-stencilled tank car CBTX 716262, likely with train-bit not dil-bit inside

On to Belleville and a crew change

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Wintertime at the Station, February 2025 - Part 1

My wife's online crafting course on a sunnily synchronistic Saturday, February 8 was a provided providential opportunity to be plunked proximal to CN's Kingston Sub, specifically at the straightaway Kingston VIA station for nearly banker's hours. My hope was to photograph the plethoric panoply of Ventures, especially the two week-old 'doublavays' (TM - double V's and it's kinda bilingual!) of VIA eastbound morning train Nos 60/50 and 62/52. Not only is it cool to see two coupled Ventures, but the attempt by VIA to re-jig their Corridor equipment rotation and to partially overcome the CN-imposed speed reductions in the process by adding axles made it historic and photo-worthy. 

This three-post series will document a daylight-hours day of train-watching totalling nine VIA (two of which were doublavays)  and four CN trains.

 0906 EB - VIA Nos 60/50 Venture Sets 10/7:
For whatever reason, the powers that be prohibitively padlocked the pedestrian pathway that plies the former Counter Street crossing. This pathway is widely used by neighbourhood residents, and was a handy way for nearby railfans to safely cross the main line from the station parking lot. I wanted an overhead angle, so laboriously triumphed over the $50,000 city-provided turtle fencing that keeps our shelled citizens safe (well, not in wintertime!) to reach the overpass. From the north side (above) and south side of the mainline:
Two Ventures - views of head-end, joint and tail-end. My one-of-everything approach I learned from Pathology residents - weary of rows and rows of 'junk' specimens like appendixes and pilonidal cysts as 'not a learning opportunity' grew to respond with, "Oh, an appendix? I've already done one"! Having diligently digitally documented this duo, I don't plan to return to further document The Ghost of VIA Future. Fortuitously, I didn't garner any wellness checks while on my lofty perch! I was only jumping with excitement.

Heading east to Brockville to be split, with No 60 continuing on to Montreal and still subject to CN's speed reductions east of there (gets later), while the Ottawa-bound No 50 gets off scot-free (stays on time or makes up time) due to VIA ownership of the tracks to Ottawa!
0925 WB - VIA No 61 918-3455-3462-3358-3337-3335:
Shadow-side of equipment that VIA now calls its Legacy Fleet. Interestingly, this fleet is coming to the rescue of the Venture implementation, which grows longer and slower as months tick by. VIA's February alteration to its rotation organization actually dropped the number of Ventures to 12 from 13, of the 27 sets deployed to cover the Corridor completely. The 'legacy' LRC consists number 12, and the HEP 'legacy' sets remain three in number.
1032 WB - CN No 377 8870-midtrain DPU 3108. Freight, finally. An average morning can see CN intermodals like 105, 185, a late-running 121 perhaps, 149 and manifest freights 271, 305, 368 372, and on weekends perhaps an extra 309, 310, 377 or whatever other unit trains or extras CN might discover it has to move. For an up-to-date rundown of daily CN Kingston Sub daily freights, see Trackside Treasure's right sidebar.
Mid-train distributed-power unit CN 3108 with centenary logo in the snow, not a true Century in the snow,  though if leading it would be a head by a century!

1036 EB - On the north track behind CN No 377: CN No 372 IC 2704-5709, mid-train DPU 8847. You'd wonder how bad one railfan's luck has to be to have two of the four CN freights seen to pass simultaneously, with most of 372 invisible behind the aforementioned and first-appearing 377! So here's the DPU, with head-end unphotographable, though luckily catching cab numbers between cars.
1107 EB - VIA No 62/52 Sets 6/17. Another doublavay during coffee break. First-world 13-minute drive-thru bagel-based donut-detention tidbit-time kaffee-klatsch kost me a photo of another westbound Venture, namely VIA No 643.
Just starting to depart eastward:

November, 1985 nearly the same spot then-and-now:
Once more, from terra firma - two Ventures - views of head-end, joint and tail-end.

In Part 2, the post-prandial portion of the day gets duly documented, behind a bounteous Baconator and prior to a piping-hot pizza pie supper!

Running extra...

It's election day! A minority of Ontarians may elect a majority government. Something wrong with this picture. Listening to reporters mention reasons for a projected [usual] low turnout now include seasonal alibis in this first winter election since the 19th century....snowbanks, record snowfall in Toronto, yada yada. People in Ukraine and Gaza walk over mountains of rubble to get food dodging the bombs and we can't walk over a piddly little snowbank to get to the polling place one time? Is it a Snowbank Too Far?
Veteran actor Gene Hackman has died. He played Major General Stanislaw Sosabowski in A Bridge Too Far. Fun fact: during the entire film he wears the rank insignia of a Polish Brigadier General (Brygady) and not the rank insignia of a Polish Major General (Dywizji). The difference between the two is an additional star for the Major General.

The stars will be out this weekend as the Oscar schmoozefest is celebrated. Conan O'Brien hosts. I will be watching the broadcast, the Red Carpet Pre-Show, and the Pre-Show to the Red Carpet Pre-Show, and maybe even The Stars Have Brunch Before the Pre-Show...oh, never mind The way things are going, I'm surprised Elon Musk is now being allowed to host the broadcast. So what if he's not an actor? He acts like a politician, in custom - weird T-shirts and a ball cap inside in a room full of suits at the recent U.S. Cabinet meeting. So awkward.