Pictured above in December, 1989 in this A.M. Gagnon (top) photo and below on a summer morning in 1982:

Grain truck arriving - Portage Daily Graphic photo, September 2, 1989:
Another Daily Graphic photo showed the elevator at the time of its closing in June, 1994. UGG's other elevator in Portage at Eighth Street appears in the distant haze in this westward view taken from the Skyview Bridge:
By December, it was gone, with UGG no longer having to pay lease payments on the railway-owned land.
Portage's newer UGG elevator handled 40,000 tons of grain per year. A 1962 black & white photo graciously supplied during my visit to the UGG's Winnipeg headquarters, shows the company name and location proudly emblazoned on the elevator's south side:
In 1982, a CN section house and CP's Portage switcher S-3 6569, which switched the elevator several times a week completed the scene.
The Daily Graphic featured the elevator with its newly-applied UGG logo and a CN freight behind 5439 and a Geep in September 1987, marking the end of a CN strike.
The newer elevator outlasted UGG's older Portage elevator and two others: Rignold on CN's Gladstone Sub, and Westbourne on CP's Minnedosa Sub that closed when $4 million Dundonald began operation in September, 1993. Handling 150,000 tonnes of grain per year, and now operated by Pioneer, this W. Schellenberg photo shows the concrete silos, metal bins and office in September, 2010. A 62-car siding is in foreground, between the elevator and the Trans-Canada Highway.
GMTX 407 is the elevator's own ex-Conrail GP15-1 switcher, which toils away preparing trainload business for CP, sometimes late into the night. Change had come to grain shipping in the Portage area: three outdated wooden classics on three different lines, each loading a few cars at a time, replaced by a concrete behemoth with its own locomotive.

Read on! There's more in this postscript !
Running Extra...
New addition to our "ETU" links list in our sidebar: Chris van der Heide's Canadian Freight Car Gallery. Chris was kind enough to add Trackside Treasure to his Gallery's Web Links section.
The wonder and romance have long sicne left the railway grain transportation scene, but those through-put plants can boast some impressive train operations.
It's hard to tell wether that trailing GP9 is a classic or a rebuild.
We could debate whether the agent hand-poling a loaded 100-ton covered hopper 50 feet is more to be appreciated than a 62-car hopper spot complete with critter to move them.
In 1987, many 4200's and 4300's were operating in wayfreight service in eastern Canada as they awaited their turn at Pointe St Charles shops for rebuilding/chopnosing. The unit in the news photo looks freshly-painted. It's a good question, Elijah.
Thanks for the portage UGG pictures. Most, if not all, are ones I hadn't seen before. At least one I'd seen, now lost someplace, showed a wonky looking structure on the 'back side' of the elevator and I used that photo to build my G scale model. Do you have any idea what photo/year that was.
See http://wvrr.ca/images/Interior/IMGP0162.JPG
Thanks for your comments, Dave. Probably Portage Pool B. Check this post:
One of the few, if not the only primary elevator that was served by both railways.
Happy New Year,
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