On July 3, it was time to make a periodic visit to the Shannonville/Belleville area. The triple-tracking of the Salmon River bridges on Milltown Road revealed a new pictographic sign (above), south of the bridge, showing an image of the bridge with clearances. From the north side, the distant signal gantry to the east is just visible above the retaining wall blocks for the third track (below). The flowers bloom regardless, though no trains were passing by. Check out the bridge triple-tracking north side construction view in 2011 and the south side view with a Continuous Welded Rail train in 2008.
This former mill location is slated to become a hydroelectric project in the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Departing Belleville's CN yard, an eastbound intermodal approaches Mitchell Road, south of parallel Airport Parkway (pole line) at 1120. Here's a street view when there were still only two tracks. CN 2242-2617 lead a long intermodal through the undulating topography.
Nobody likes random intermodal shots less than I do. But what else is one to do when faced with the prospect of such a long double-stack? Provide Trackside Treasure readers with the full spectrum of lengthened 53-foot CN container paint schemes, of course. I bet the other side is in English - my rough translation: "Forwarding services that are transitory to the world potential" or "We aim to provide the services to any expedition travelling out of this world to other planets". One or the other.
We Deliver! Yes we do! Unlike Union Pacific which proclaimed We Will Deliver, just before their 1997 epic fail meltdown!
I bet the other side is in French, and says "Nous livrons" or "La livraison de votre bebe avec fierte". Something like that.
More lilies of the field and limestone, as the train travels east at about 30 mph:Not good at deciphering graffiti, I think it says "JShron JShron". A nice, complete coverage!
No 149 arrives for crew change at Belleville's new VIA station at 1240. Recently purchased and painted (early 2013) ex-Oakway 5425 leads IC 1026 and CN 5633.
A local taxi has brought a new crew from the north side of the tracks. The on-duty engineer goes back to check fuel level in the second unit. See Centuries in the Snow at this same location back in the winter of 1988.
Spiffy. My previous efforts to photograph an Oakway leading were stymied. New camera - no problem.Hand-brake for dummies. Or, leftie-loosie, rightie-tightie writ large.
A few minutes later, crew comfortably ensconced, No 149 leaves town...slowly.
Ron Visockis shared this photo - he had just caught the same train entering Belleville Yard, along Airport Parkway.
East of County Road 4 near Ernestown , Bombardier Innovia 300 in at the end of the test track:
Did you know my new Nikon has several unique settings that can be applied to a digital photo? Indulge me for a minute when I noodle, revelling in the novelty thereof:
Running extra...
Ben A. shared a cool photo of former CN insulated car CN 73677 at Burbank, AB - site of a covered hopper unloading facility. A sister to CN's 737xx-series that were featured in this 2011 post, the car may be rusted to the rails, having been here for a while:
Summertime greetings to all Trackside Treasure readers. Hoping your summer is a relaxing and pleasant one, and that you're staying tuned for this blog's 6th anniversary post and contest, coming soon! I'll leave you with a couple of scenic seasonal images: