This post was first published on October 12, 2024. The day before, VIA was informed by CN that there may be safety issues with Siemens Venture trains not shunting properly. My learning curve of shunt-related issues instantly became very steep. Perhaps CN would deal with the safety issues and VIA operations quickly.
Over the past month, I have continued adding background information on all things shunt, as well as updating the post with VIA/CN operational changes, news accounts and other information came to light. I've published this follow-up post which contains much of the technical information and some photos originally in this post, leaving this post to deal purely with CN/VIA issues.
On October 11, 2024 VIA released the following document, which references a CN document entitled 'Venture Equipment Crossing Supplement' which is available to CN employees operating on the Great Lakes and Champlain Districts, under CN Timetables and Special Instructions. Here is the text of the VIA document:
System Notice No. VN24-022 dated October 11, 2024
Our host railway, CN has issued restrictions on our Venture fleet related to a potential risk of short warning times on crossings equipped with Grade Crossing Predictors (GCPs). Such crossings utilize technology to estimate your train's speed to determine a sufficient warning time for vehicular or pedestrian traffic. While we continue to work with all stakeholders to resolve this issue as soon as possible, we must convey these restrictions.
The first priority, as always, is the safety of your train. We understand these conditions will introduce additional distractions and competing priorities. We must ensure we remain focused at all times to comply with these restrictions. VIA understands and anticipates that significant delays may be experienced and wants to reaffirm our expectation that our crews will take their time to ensure no restrictions are missed.
CROR Rule 103.1(f): When advised by special instructions that rusty rail or other conditions may exist, occupancy of crossings with automatic warning devices must be manually protected unless it its known that warning devices have been operating for at least 20 seconds.
The VIA Venture Equipment Crossing Supplement can be found [online]. We are also working to provide paper copies of this document at all reporting locations. [Additional bullet points below]
- All trains in possession of a General Bulletin Order instructing you to comply with the Venture Equipment Crossing Supplement must comply with these restrictions at all specified crossing locations.
- At this time, the restriction only applies to Venture trainsets with less than 32 axles. Mixed consists and those consisting exclusively of Legacy equipment (LRC/HEP/Renaissance) equipment are not affected.
- We can't just add more Venture cars. Due to existing reservations and planning constraints, we are limited in our ability to extend trains on short notice. That said, we are doing all we can to minimize impact through all available means.
- The document refers to a shunt enhancer. VIA is actively engaging with suppliers to evaluate and procure these devices. New technology is under development and becoming available to mitigate these risks. At this time, however, we can confirm that no VIA Rail Venture trains are equipped with shunt enhancers.
- These restrictions were not communicated to VIA in advance, and we continue to exhaust all avenues to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. VIA's commitment to safety remains steadfast and we will work with all stakeholders to address any safety concerns.
On October 13, 2024 VIA released an additional, clarifying document.
Here is the text of the additional VIA document:
System Notice No. VN24-023 dated October 13, 2024
Further to Friday's notice related to restrictions imposed by CN, we have been monitoring train performance to measure the impact on our services. Unfortunately, the results indicate a potential widespread misapplication/misunderstanding of the rule. Venture trains subject to these restrictions MUST approach each identified crossing prepared to stop until it can be confirmed that A[utomatic] W[arning] D[evice]s have been operating for 20 seconds. This applies to ALL crossings identified in the [CN Great Lakes/Champlain District Special Instruction] "VIA Venture Equipment Crossing Supplement" document. To be frank, this cannot be accomplished if you are operating at, or close to, maximum track speed.
In order to ensure proper and consistent application of these restrictions and until further notice, the following additional restriction is in effect and will be monitored for compliance:
In addition to the requirements of Rule 103.1(f), all affected movements governed by the VIA VENTURE EQUIPMENT CROSSING SUPPLEMENT must not exceed 45 mph from one-quarter mile of each crossing identified. Acceleration may only commence AFTER passing the one-quarter mile and after confirming AWDs have been operating for a minimum of 20 seconds.
Note: The 45 mph restriction may not provide sufficient speed restriction to permit stopping in the event of insufficient warning time at the crossing. When encountering inclement weather or extended braking distances (e.g. rail contamination such as falling leaves), a slower speed may be required.
We understand these restrictions pose a significant burden and inconvenience, but they are necessary to protect the situation. We appreciate your understanding while we work with CN and with Transport Canada to resolve this situation as quickly as possible.
Here is the text of the CN document referred to in VIA's October 11 System Notice:
Unless operating with 32 axles or shunt enhancer, the following crossing mileages listed under each Subdivision must be manually protected unless it is known that warning devices have been operating for at least 20 seconds as per CROR 103.1 (f). Applicable on the following Subdivisions: Dundas, Chatham, Guelph, Halton, Strathroy, Kingston, York, New Market [sic], St Hyacinthe, Montreal, Drummondville.
CN made these requirements applicable to 304 crossings purportedly covering all of CN’s Corridor public grade crossings equipped with Grade Crossing Predictor technology using track circuits to detect trains. The speed reductions are an attempt to give crossings with a history of activation issues an opportunity to capture the correct train speeds. There are many variables at play, and each crossing can have its own challenges that need solving.
There are 86 crossings on the CN Kingston Sub list alone, beginning at Mi.17. In this area: Counter Street, pedestrian crossing at Frontenac S.S., Collins Bay Rd., Coronation Blvd., not County Road 6 then only one other crossing between Ernestown and Napanee. So it's not every crossing, but it's A LOT of crossings. For a train routinely doing 80 mph, slowing to 45 mph or less 86 times will likely total the 30-60 minute delays VIA is telling its passengers about. There are, for instance, eight such crossings in a five-mile stretch of track east of Belleville.
[As for monitoring crew compliance by VIA, just think....VIA managers can sit at their consoles in Montreal or at home, monitoring Venture train speed in real-time using VIA's own Arrivals & Departures website feature that displays location and speeds at one-minute intervals!]
Why is CN stipulating 32 axles as a minimum for Venture trains on its lines? What is the right train length based on testing? This appears to be a problem that only CN is experiencing, largely due to the design of its signal system. Other railways' signal system designs don't suffer from the same drawbacks. CN requires a minimum of 12 axles for track-speed operation of a movement. That explains this odd assemblage I observed back in June - the shortest freight train ever! Actually a deadhead movement of a spare locomotive to assist a freight train, and a freight car plucked out of Belleville yard and tacked on the tail-end got it there faster, at "close to track speed"!
I've read many theories online about how the CN-imposed speed reductions on VIA's Ventures are some sort of nefarious plot through which CN wants to force VIA off its rails. VIA pays CN about $50 million of your tax dollars per year in fees to use CN's tracks. Which sounds like a reason for CN to keep VIA on its rails! However, consider the fact that this is far less than VIA would have to pay to maintain its own trackage, if that were a viable option, and that the $50 million payment is less than half of 1% of the nearly $17 billion that CN reported as revenues in 2023!
Transport Canada regulations prescribe the recording of data for warning system operation at grade crossings in their Grade Crossing Handbook. This data is recorded and stored for 30 days within grade crossing warning system monitoring devices. It is likely this data that CN has reviewed, and found some crossings in Southwest Ontario that were not properly activated by Venture-equipped trains, thus resulting in their VIA Venture Equipment Crossing Supplement requirements.
It's interesting that this issue has cropped up in the same week that Venture equipment operated into Southwest Ontario on VIA train Nos 71, 76, 84 and 87 for the first time in regular revenue service. Could be a coincidence. Remember this photo? In light of recent events, it makes one wonder why it was run.
In the whole panoply of Siemens Venture implementation, which began Montreal-Ottawa service on November 8, 2022 and Ottawa-Toronto service on September 21, 2023, crossing issues have taken nearly two years to surface. It remains to be seen how VIA will handle this operationally. Some ideas for VIA. I will not be updating these - they remain a snapshot of the loss-of-shunt issue, and my understanding of it, as of October 12:
- Bring every Venture train to a stop for 20 seconds at every such level crossing before proceeding. (20% likely, 100% effective)
- Manually flag every such level crossing (that's a lot of climbing up and down from the cab!) (20% likely, 100% effective)
- Don't use Venture equipment. (0% likely, 100% effective)
- Add additional Venture cars to Venture consists. (90% likely, 100% effective)
- Add additional LRC or HEP cars to Venture consists (would not provide adequate between-car bearing monitoring of the entire consist)
- Return sidelined LRCs to service, replacing Ventures temporarily (retrograde solution?).
- Install shunt enhancers (being tested on Amtrak with no FRA approval yet).
- Install scrubbers on Venture wheels (to clean wheel treads in the absence of brake shoes).
- Increase the current CN signal design's shunt voltage (would require CN's approval and $ to implement).
- ...other creative this space!
Delays of up to one hour on every schedule are anticipated, a the shunt is about to hit the fan. VIA passengers with existing bookings are being contacted by email in order to rebook on a connection that builds in the anticipated delays. (Hmmm, that's just how the initial Buffer Car era was ushered in. Pet owners with existing booking being told they can't access Fido or Fluffy on the trip because the baggage car is not off limits as a buffer car!) Guaranteed bookings in the VIA reservation system have been nixed.
Here's how VIA decided to contact passengers:
"Upon receiving the notice from CN on October 11, VIA Rail Canada took immediate steps to inform passengers of the potential delays caused by the CN-imposed speed reductions. The following measures were implemented:
- Starting on October 11, the Network Communication Operations (NCO) began sending email notifications to all passengers scheduled to travel in the Corridor the following day. These notifications informed passengers of possible delays ranging from 30 to 60 minutes on their respective trains.
- An advisory was promptly posted on VIA Rail's Service Status page on the official website. This advisory provided detailed information about the potential delays and their impact on the on-time performance of VIA Venture trains (see below).
- On October 18, a decision was made to cease sending advance email notifications. However, the advisory remained available online. On the same day, the estimated delay time was adjusted to reflect a range of 15 to 45 minutes."
See if you can find the advisory. Would this jump out at you, visually?
Here's the boilerplate text of the emails sent to passengers by VIA:
"Hello. We are reaching out to you regarding your upcoming trip on board train xx. VIA Rail Canada would like to advise its passengers that we are currently experiencing delays on certain trains due to unexpected speed restrictions imposed by CN, the railway infrastructure owner. Delays of 30 to 60 minutes are possible on trains travelling on the Quebec City-Windsor Corridor on October xx, 2024. [info on tracking the train in real time] We thank you for your understanding and look forward to welcoming you on board."
Chat text from VIA's 'message us' section of its website. The information on the potential delays is indeed the sole province of some ticket-holders as of now:
All VIA trains were on time in the Corridor Saturday. And Sunday.
VIA now has a message on their service status page which reads: "We are currently experiencing delays of 30-60 minutes on certain Corridor trains due to unexpected speed restrictions imposed by CN, the railway infrastructure owner" (see revised delays under Oct.20's update). Another chat text with VIA was less clear and helpful: "The notice you received was just to advise you of a possible delay, there may be none at all. There is no problem with the tracks they are just undergoing routine maintenance. So far everything is good, it shouldn't be too major but this is where you can track the train in real time" and mentioning the Arrivals & Departures Schedule part of the VIA website. "If there is a delay it will be indicated here even if it's before the scheduled departure time. We never know honestly, delays usually happen live in the moment if we could predict them we wouldn't be delayed lol".
Go Slower! Get later! Venture-equipped trains are starting to slow for crossings as prescribed by the CN document that VIA refers to. On Mondays, 12 Venture-equipped trains ply the CN Kingston Sub. On-Time Performance (OTP) ranged widely: 9, 9, 15, 17, 22, 26, 34, 35, 38, 43 and 58 minutes late. VIA No 59 departed Ottawa 45 minutes late, arriving 1 hr 17 mins. late.
Average OTP = 28 minutes late.
I'll continue monitoring the Monday average OTP for Venture-equipped trains.
This morning, TRAINS News Wire discussed the topic albeit with three inaccuracies:
- "Apparently triggered by one or more incidents in which a VIA Rail Canada Venture trainset failed to activate highway crossing warning devices..." [no source given]
- "VIA has standardized each Siemens-built trainsets with one cab car coach, three 'economy' coaches and one business-class car." [two economy, two business]
- Sources tell...there were a minimal number of disruptions on Saturday and Sunday, with HEP-2 heritage coaches appearing on several trains as axle-count cars. [no source given, curiously "corrected" the next day to read: "...sources were unable to confirm a report HEP-2 heritage coaches were to be used on some trains as axle-count cars."
Venture-equipped trains are definitely slowing. OTP of today's 10 Ventures varied less than Monday's: 21*, 33, 35+, 38*,39, 39*,40*,44, 46* and 46 minutes late (Symbols: *delays between Brockville and Ottawa for these trains not included in total run OTP).
Average OTP = 38 minutes late.
The first of two townhall meetings was held by VIA leadership yesterday. Even VIA has no idea where the Venture edict from CN came from! VIA's legal counsel is now involved.
What compliance looks like...VIA No 644 slows through 50 mph, 37 mph and 48 mph (respectively) at three of the local level crossings CN has placed VIA Venture Rule 103.1(f) speed restrictions on (three labelled screenshots - below). VIA's software updates once per minute, so speed over each crossing may differ slightly. [72 km/h = 45 mph]
Today's eight Venture-equipped trains' OTP have reached a new high in lateness: 34, 40*, 47, 47, 55, 55, 68, 69+ (Symbols: *delays between Brockville and Ottawa for these trains not included in total run OTP; + not yet at final destination).
Average OTP = 52 minutes late.
A quick check of other subdivisions showed many Legacy-equipped trains minimally late, but Venture-equipped trains:
- No 78 to Windsor - 33 minutes late; No 73 to Toronto - 33 minutes late.
- Nos 20 and 26 to Quebec City - 31 minutes late.
- No 84 to Sarnia - 25 minutes late.
The first media report I've seen is today's CTV Ottawa news story. Spokespersons from CN and VIA both made claims in the article (below):'
- CN advised VIA Rail in October, 2021 that operating at a 24-axle count could create issues. This has proven to be the case.
- CN confirmed in March, 2024 that operating at 24-axles created shunting issues [they] immediately notified VIA and took necessary measures to protect the public by reverting to CN’s 32-axle minimum requirement, or imposing restrictions on the designated routes on which VIA was operating Ventures.
- CN discovered on October 11, 2024 that Venture train sets were operating in expanded service over crossings which may experience shunt loss and then be unprotected. [presumably a reference to CN routes in Southwest Ontario. Bolstered by an October 17 Canadian Press article: "CN, which owns most of the tracks used by Via in Central Canada, says it made the decision when it learned the new trains were traversing routes they had previously steered clear of."]
- VIA countered saying no incidents or issues at level crossings have been reported since the Venture trains entered service.
- VIA says it continues to engage in constructive dialogue with CN to find solutions to this situation.
When the going gets tough...VIA takes to social media to announce two new Sat.-Sun. Venture-equipped trains 624 and 637 between Ottawa and Quebec City.
Montreal's La Presse published a news story, containing no new revelations beyond the CTV News article, except that there are 65 crossings between Montreal and Quebec, though not clear whether all these are subject to the CN-imposed speed reductions.
Global News published an online news story with similar information, although it mentions only 16 Venture sets are in service.
TRAINS News Wire published another article with at least one obvious error, referring to Transport Action Canada's David Jeanes' commenting on the CTV Ottawa report about crossing speed restrictions as a "Transport Canada official". I can only suggest that the short timelines of online news reporting are short-circuiting rigorous reporting.
Today's nine Venture-equipped trains' OTP: 17*, 22, 26*, 28, 35, 51, 55, 62, 94+ (Symbols: *delays between Brockville and Ottawa for these trains not included in total run OTP; + not yet at final destination). Most Ottawa-Toronto Ventures are fewer than 10 minutes late arriving Brockville.
Average OTP = 43 minutes late.
Today's 10 Venture-equipped trains' OTP: 38, 40+, 40*, 45, 48, 54, 61, 69#, 69+#, 73#, (Symbols: *delays between Brockville and Ottawa for these trains not included in total run OTP; + not yet at final destination, #departed 20-30 minutes late).
Average OTP = 54 minutes late.
VIA has honed its OTP delays on its Train Service Status webpage:
The National Post's Chris Selley published a story linking the Venture speed reductions to VIA's already slow and expensive Corridor service as a backdrop for the planned HSR/HFR. Interestingly, Chris had published a story on VIA's future almost two years ago, with the implementation of buffer cars being the backdrop.
Twelve-Venture Monday's OTP by Train No. (Minutes Late): 40(110?), 41(44), 42(44), 44(42), 45(54), 47(30), 48(83*), 54(81*), 59(70*), 641(50), 643 (116?), 644(24).
(Symbols: *=departed 25-40 minutes late, ?delayed 1 hour plus west of Belleville)
Average OTP not calculated due to delays on this day out of VIA's control.
The list of which Corridor trains are Venture-equipped seems to have disappeared from the VIA webpage. Formerly under the New Fleet page, one could see an ever-growing list of trains per day as service expanded to Toronto, SW Ontario and more trainsets were added to the rotation. I think passengers are already trying to avoid booking on Venture-equipped departures! From reddit:
Unifor says, "VIA Rail recently announced delays along the Quebec City-Ottawa-Toronto corridor due to speed restrictions imposed on tracks owned and maintained by CN. The issue has drawn attention to the lack of regulatory oversight and CN’s dominant control over Canada’s rail infrastructure, impacting passenger rail services. Unifor believes that the government must reassert regulatory oversight to prevent freight operators from sidelining passenger rail services. The union continues to advocate for the investment in passenger rail infrastructure, fair regulation, and a rail network that puts Canadians’ needs first."
VIA has not only implemented two of my 'ideas' above and one of the 'predictions' below. They're about to implement a second - lengthening all or some of the Venture consists!
Rail Fans Canada has published an editorial on its website that strongly suggests CN's speed reductions are a somewhat-cynical power-play against VIA in an attempt to use its leverage to disrupt and discourage VIA from using CN tracks. CN and VIA are already in talks before the Canadian Transport Agency regarding track-access and fees thereof.
Access to Information request acknowledged by VIA's Access to Information & Privacy Co-Ordinator.
VIA website chat agents are short on specifics but long on optimism:
Twelve-Venture Monday's OTP by Train No. (Minutes Late): 40(37), 41(102*), 42(30), 44(49), 45(45), 47(31), 48(34), 54(84), 59(148), 641(35*), 643 (45*), 644(42). (Symbols: *=was on time Brockville) Average OTP = 39 minutes late.
Ten-Venture Tuesday's OTP by Train No. (Minutes Late): 40(53), 42(53), 45(74*), 47(39*), 48(46), 53(47*), 59(107?), 641(61), 643(43), 644(27). (Symbols: *=was on time Brockville, ? departed 44 minutes late).
Average OTP = 55 minutes late.
Federal Railroad Administration’s Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) program today granted $58.8 million to Amtrak to install Onboard Shunt Enhancement devices on 443 locomotives and 192 cab cars to prevent trains from losing shunt, which can cause problems with signal and crossing-gate activation. By my math, that's $93,000 US per installation. Meanwhile, in Canada, ever-smiling Andrew Scheer this graphic to X (below). Can one anatomically-correct but misleading X-twitter graphic change everything!??
(Now) Eleven-Venture Monday's OTP by Train No. (Minutes Late): 40(40), 41(76*), 42(37), 44(116*), 45(18 may not be a Venture), 47(39), 54(30), 59(58), 641(60), 643(60), 644(33). (Symbols: *departed 20-30 minutes late).
Average OTP = 63 minutes late.
Eleven-Venture Monday's OTP by Train No. (Minutes Late): 40(27), 41(46), 42(27), 44(83*), 45(56), 47(31), 54(107?), 59(62), 641(N/A), 643(39), 644(53). (Symbols: *departed 20-30 minutes late; ?departed 51 minutes late).
Average OTP = 53 minutes late.
Elsewhere: Quebec-Montreal 40; Quebec-Montreal-Ottawa 25 (though time often made up on Montreal-Ottawa segment); Toronto-Windsor 50.
The Globe & Mail reported that VIA applied to federal court seeking a judicial review because no risk assessment or evidence has been provided by CN to substantiate the speed restrictions applied to the new Venture trains at certain grade crossings since October 11.
In a statement of claim, VIA says CN’s orders to slow down for 300+ level crossings in the Corridor, or lengthen its Venture trains is unreasonable and has no basis as a safety concern. (A statement of claim contains allegations that have not been tested in court.) VIA is seeking a judicial review of the rule, as well as a declaration it is not valid. VIA is also demanding any data or documents on which CN based its rule change. In its court filing, VIA contends CN does not have the authority to impose the rule, moreover that CN is required by law to operate warning systems that are capable of detecting all railway equipment. For its part, CN has yet to file a statement of defence.
“There is no evidence to suggest a safety risk associated with the operations of VIA’s Venture trains at grade crossings,” according to VIA's statement of claim, adding that CN's actions are "damaging VIA Rail’s reputation with travellers." VIA said it is adhering to CN’s rule, “despite the significant impact on train schedules and passengers”.
As a private sector infrastructure manager, CN remains unwilling to be collaborative and transparent about safety matters. It has also been alleged that CN is using this issue to apply pressure to VIA regarding the current adjudication of track access by the Canada Transportation Agency. If true, this situation would represent an unprecedented intermixing of commercial considerations and transportation safety. VIA said it has asked to see the analysis that led to the speed reductions, but CN has provided none. For VIA to have to go to court to obtain the data behind the rule change seems unbelievable. CN has also imposed the rules on Amtrak, where it operates on CN lines in the U.S. Siemens did not immediately respond to requests for comments.
Duelling spokespersons in the Canadian Press: a CN spokesperson said [questionably] the restrictions at rail crossings were put in place given the industry's experience and known risks associated with trains similar to VIA's Ventures. [And this groaner:] CN imposed the restrictions as soon as it was made aware VIA was running the trains [!!]. A VIA spokesperson noted that the Ventures have been in service on CN tracks for more than two years without any incidents at level crossings. VIA's communications director said the Crown corporation has yet to receive any concrete evidence or valid reasoning for the sudden imposition of these restrictions. A Southwest Ontario smoking gun...CN made the decision when it learned the new trains were traversing routes they had previously steered clear of. Not only should a sentence not be ended with a preposition, but perhaps CN got fired-up when the Venture implementation ended with revenue runs beginning on the Toronto-London and Toronto-Windsor routes. CN claims VIA has agreed to buy the equipment needed to fix the issue but is going ahead with the court challenge anyway. VIA disputes that it has made any such agreement.
Eleven-Venture Monday's OTP by Train No. (Minutes Late): 40(45), 41(44+), 42(25+), 44(135?), 45(44), 47(39), 54(102), 59(46+), 641(32+), 643(47+), 644(47+). (Symbols: ?departed 38 minutes late due to arriving Toronto 47 minutes late as No 643; +on time Brockville-Ottawa portion of trip).
Average OTP = 55 minutes late.
Eleven-Venture Monday's OTP by Train No. (Minutes Late): 40(19*), 41(42+), 42(39), 44(113?), 45(48), 47(47+), 54(47), 59(58), 641(80+), 643(45+), 644(51). (Symbols: ?departed 38 minutes late due to arriving Toronto 45 minutes late as No 643; +on time Brockville-Ottawa portion of trip; *was 27 minutes late at Kingston).
Average OTP = 54 minutes late.
At the November 26, 2024 House Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities meeting: It was agreed that during the study on rail safety, the committee devote: (a) one of the six meetings to the issue of the slowdown at level crossings imposed by CN on VIA Rail trains for safety reasons, a slowdown which causes significant delays in the Quebec-Windsor corridor; that the CN, VIA Rail, Transport Canada, the Transportation Safety Board and the Minister of Transport appear at this meeting.
On November 27, 2024 CN issued Crossing Supplement 2.0 in Bulletin 013 Nov.26, effective at 0001h November 28, superseding Rule 103, with this additional language:
Minimum Required Time (MRT)
Automatic Warning Devices with gates:
When “Equipped with Gates” is listed for a specific mileage in this document, operating crews must ensure that the crossing gates are in the horizontal position for 5 seconds prior to occupying the crossing.
Automatic Warning Devices without gates:
The Minimum Required Time will be indicated for any listed crossing which is equipped with
AWDs without gates. Minimum Required Time must be observed before occupying the crossing.
The supplement continues with the long list of crossings on multiple Corridor CN subdivisions. The 'without gates' crossings, roughly 10% of all the crossings, usually have a MRT of 20-23 seconds stipulated.
How crews see it: topping a January 17, 2025 TGBO to VIA No 41, this sample TGBO was submitted by VIA as part of its application to Federal Court:
Eleven-Venture Monday OTP could not be assessed statistically due to Nos 45 and 53 non-Ventures, No 643 J'd with No 43, massive delays over 4 hours near Toronto. VIA Nos 40, 59, 644 departing 20-40 minutes late; No 44 departing 117 minutes late. Continuing schedule and operational turmoil after a weekendus horribilis. Let's try Tuesday....
...Ten-Venture Tuesday difficult to assess due to Nos 41/68 not Ventures, No 47 J-trained with Legacy equipment (18), No 643 J-trained with Legacy equipment (departed 2+ hours late). That leaves seven Venture-equipped trains for analysis: No 40 (46), 42(36); 45(87); 48(109)?; 59(89)?; 641(59); 644(45). (Symbols: ? departed 25-30 minutes late).
Average OTP = 67 minutes late.
Eleven-Venture (actually nine) Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late): 40(69), 41(43), 42(52), 44(67?), 45(not a Venture), 47(61?), 54(not a Venture), 59(89?), 641(31), 643(48), 644(39).
(Symbols: ? departed 20-30 minutes late).
Average OTP = 55 minutes late.
On December 12, Transport Canada issued a Ministerial Order, contained in a letter to CN from TC's Director General of Rail Safety and Security on December 10, 2024.
It reads, in part: "Transport Canada takes this matter seriously and, through this order, is seeking information to ensure compliance with grade crossing requirements, such as those found in the Grade Crossing Regulations, and ascertain whether there is an active safety issue. This information will assist TC in determining next steps, which could include requiring companies to implement corrective measures to mitigate any risks. In addition, there remains a need to ensure that CN’s implementation of the operating restrictions for VIA’s Venture fleet is effective in identifying and addressing safety concerns as they arise.
Pursuant to section 36 of the Railway Safety Act, the Canadian National Railway Company is hereby ordered, within 30 days of receipt of this Order, to file with the Minister of Transport: All available records demonstrating warning activation times, including the time gates (if equipped) were in the horizontal position, for each crossing activation for the period starting in May 2024 to the date of this Order."[of all the crossings upon which CN imposed speed reductions throughout the Ontario-Quebec Corridor.]
Many voices have suggested that Transport Canada be involved in the CN/VIA Venture issue as part of its oversight and safety roles. This report to TC by CN is due over a month before the next Court session for the judicial review VIA launched concerning CN's actions, scheduled for February 25, 2025 in Montreal.
Eleven-Venture (actually eight) Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late): 40(52), 41(not a Venture), 42(78), 44(93?), 45(42), 47(cancelled most days Dec 16-Jan 8/25), 54(cancelled most days Dec 16-Jan 8/25), 59(59), 641(28), 643(61), 644(48).
(Symbols: ? departed 30-40 minutes late)
Average OTP = 58 minutes late.
Eleven-Venture Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late): 40(not a Venture), 41(104X), 42(91), 44(115?), 45(59?), 47(cancelled most days Dec 16-Jan 8/25), 54(cancelled most days Dec 16-Jan 8/25), 59(59), 641(31), 643(40), 644(64).
Unusually Venture-equipped trains: 52(64), 55 (130X), 63(89),
(Symbols: ? departed 20-30 minutes late; X departed 40-60 minutes late)
Average OTP = 77 minutes late.
Eleven-Venture (actually ten) Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late): 40(not a Venture), 41(28), 42(30), 44(134), 45(108), 47(cancelled most days Dec 16-Jan 8/25), 54(cancelled most days Dec 16-Jan 8/25), 59(39), 641(25), 643(41), 644(34).
Unusually Venture-equipped trains: 52(46), 55 (39).
(Symbols: ? departed 15-40 minutes late)
Average OTP = 43 minutes late. (44 delayed by police operation near Brighton - not included in average)
In mid-December, CN foremen were stationed at level crossings along CN's Kingston Subdivision. Their role was to flag certain crossings to allow VIA trains, Venture and non-Venture, to pass over the crossings at track speed, while visually observing proper operation of the gates and crossing warning protection. This was probably to verify information that's automatically recorded in the crossing signal bungalows, also manually recording CN and VIA trains' axle counts and speeds.
On January 12, 2025 CN issued GBO's "to correct inadvertent clerical errors" in the first two versions of the crossing supplement. Some crossings were not owned by CN, some crossings that did not exist were mistakenly included in both versions of the crossing supplement, and these mileages are now struck from the crossing supplement.
Eleven-Venture (actually ten) Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late): 40(44), 41(47), 42(not a Venture), 44(119), 45(88), 47(cancelled most days Dec 16-Jan 8/25), 54(cancelled most days Dec 16-Jan 8/25), 59(57), 641(31), 643(482), 644(21).
Unusually Venture-equipped trains: 52(6), 55(39).
Average OTP = 43 minutes late - outliers 52, 643 not included in calculation of average.
MON. JAN.13, 2025 UPDATE
Eleven-Venture (actually nine) Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late): 40(45), 41(39), 42(56), 44(31), 45(not a Venture), 47(39), 54(not a Venture), 59(58 ?), 641(43), 643(19*), 644(30).
(Symbols: ? departed 37 minutes late; *Speedster)
Average OTP = 40 minutes late.
MON. JAN.20, 2025 UPDATE
Nine-Venture Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late):
40(46), 41(55), 42(34), 44(57), 47(38?), 59(40), 641(30), 643(48), 644(13*).
(Symbols: ? departed 30 minutes late; *Speedster)
Average OTP = 40 minutes late.
MON. JAN.27, 2025 UPDATE
Nine-Venture Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late):
40(45), 41(75), 42(24), 44(65??), 47(135?), 59(54), 641(31), 643(40), 644(19*).
(Symbols: ? departed 117 minutes late; ??departed 17 minutes late; *Speedster)
Average OTP = 54 minutes late.
**NOW Fifteen! Venture Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late):
40(61), 41(44), 42(93), 44(61), 46(47), 47(60), 55(45), 59(163?), 61(113??), 69(92), 641(32), 669(more than 60).
62/52 Venture J-train (22) at Kingston, (24Mtl/11Ott) [not counted in average due to not subject to speed reductions due to axle count >32]
60/50 Venture/HEP (26) at Kingston, (64Mtl/na) [not counted in average either]
(Symbols: ? departed 100 minutes late; ??departed 50 minutes late)
Average Ottawa-Toronto OTP = 67 minutes late.
Average Montreal-Toronto non-J OTP = 88 minutes late.
MON. FEB.10, 2025 UPDATE
Fifteen (only 11 this Monday) Venture Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late):
40(18*), 41(not a Venture), 42(cancelled Feb 10-Mar 2), 44(40), 46(38), 47(31), 55(cancelled Feb 10-Mar 2), 59(57), 61(56), 69(60), 641(24*), 669(not a Venture).
62/52 Venture J-train (26) at Kingston, (73Mtl/26Ott) [not counted in average due to not subject to speed reductions Toronto-Brockville due to axle count >32]
60/50 Venture/HEP (26) at Kingston, (83Mtl/na) [not counted in average either]
(Symbols: *Speedster [40 was 30 minutes late at Kingston!])
Average Ottawa-Toronto OTP = 42 minutes late.
Average Montreal-Toronto non-J OTP = 58 minutes late.
(These average OTP's for each leg will be listed separately. Venture J-trains should be able to operate on time Toronto-Brockville, and Venture trains Brockville to Ottawa. I expect increased Montreal-Toronto Venture-equipped non J-trains will arrive about 60 minutes late.)
TUE. FEB.18, 2025 UPDATE
Major snowstorm over the previous weekend, effects still being felt with huge delays due to 40+ cm snow in Montreal and a derailment at/near CN Taschereau Yard. Fifteen (only 14 this Tuesday) Venture Tuesday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late):
40(65?), 41(76), 42(cancelled Feb 10-Mar 2), 44(not operating eqpt. shortage), 47(not a Venture), 55(cancelled Feb 10-Mar 2), 59(not operating), 61(held at Dorval), 69(not operating), 641(93?), 644 (not a Venture), 645(not operating), 669(not operating).
62/52 Venture J-train (98) at Kingston, (360+ Mtl/97Ott) [not counted in average due to not subject to speed reductions Toronto-Brockville due to axle count >32]
60/50 Ventures running separately (74) at Kingston, (holding at Cornwall/65Ott) [not counted in average either]
(Symbols: ? departed 30 minutes late)
Average Ottawa-Toronto OTP = 79 minutes late.
Average Montreal-Toronto non-J OTP = not calculated due to storm-related issues beyond VIA's control.
MON. FEB.24, 2025 UPDATE
Fifteen (16 this Monday) Venture Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late):
40(55?), 42(cancelled Feb 10-Mar 2), 44(38), 46(48), 47(34?), 53(31), 55(cancelled Feb 10-Mar 2), 59(44), 61(85), 68(145), 69(91), 641(31), 643(32), 669 (95?)
62/52 Venture J-train (1) at Kingston, (40Mtl/8Ott*) [not counted in average due to not subject to speed reductions Toronto-Brockville due to axle count >32]
60/50 Venture/HEP (25?) at Kingston, (46Mtl/43Ott) [not counted in average either]
(Symbols: ? departed 15-30 minutes late; *Speedster)
Average non-J Ottawa-Toronto OTP = 44 minutes late.
Average non-J Montreal-Toronto non-J OTP = 104 minutes late.
MON. MAR. 3, 2025 UPDATE
Now Eleven (12 this Monday) Venture Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late):
44(47), 46(32), 47(39?), 59(48), 61(96), 69(135?), 641(36), 644(61?), 669 (134)
62/52 Venture/HEP not J'd at Kingston, (50Mtl/na) [not counted in average due to not subject to speed reductions Toronto-Brockville due to axle count >32]
60/50 Venture J-train(24?) at Kingston, (49Mtl/44Ott) [not counted in average either]
(Symbols: ? departed 15-40 minutes late)
Average non-J Ottawa-Toronto OTP = 44 minutes late.
Average non-J Montreal-Toronto non-J OTP = 121 minutes late.
MON. MAR. 10, 2025 UPDATE
Now Eleven (14 this Monday) Venture Monday's OTP by Train No.(Minutes Late):
41(17), 44(36), 46(32), 47(15), 61(42), 69(61), 641(32), 643(1*), 644(34), 669 (54).
60/50 Venture J-train(5) at Kingston, (43Mtl/20Ott) [not counted in average due to not subject to speed reductions Toronto-Brockville due to axle count >32]
62/52 Venture J-train ( OT at Kingston, (12*Mtl/OT Ott) [not counted in average either]
(Symbols: *Speedster)
Average non-J Ottawa-Toronto OTP = 24 minutes late.
Average non-J Montreal-Toronto non-J OTP = 52 minutes late.
- probable SHORT-TERM SOLUTION: Continued speed restrictions at affected crossings. Venture trains will operate at the 30-60 minute late range, as publicized by VIA to its passengers.
- probable MEDIUM-TERM SOLUTION: Lengthening Venture consists with unused Venture cars. Especially if the news media or passengers demand changes to trains operating consistently late.
- probable LONG-TERM SOLUTION: Shunt-enhancer installation on Venture sets. VIA was seemingly not interested in participating in the testing and implementation of shunt enhancers.
It still remains to be seen whether the regulations will go higher up than CN, to Transport Canada in its oversight role in rail safety. Who knows, possibly requiring the release of a Section 19 Ministerial Order, just like the buffer cars did! Based on the text of VIA's second system notice, Transport Canada is involved. Stay tuned.
Running extra... our Canadian readers, or to our American readers who like to eat turkey anytime and are just looking for an excuse. This is your weekend! In both our nations, regardless, we have much to be thankful for each and every day even if it's just a basic baloney sandwich instead of tempting turkey and all the fixings.
This Saturday morning, over coffee and the wafting of stuffing from the kitchen, I was all set to hit 'Publish' on part three of my Four Days in September six-post pop-up series. Your loss is your gain. This shunt story is a breaking story, and required you guess it, some shunting around of the draft posts ready to be published. Just a heads-up, another emerging post on VIA's August 10-hour delay involving a Venture set in Quebec will likely be another interruption to the Four Days series. Let's roll with the punches, here, or should I say shunt with the punches! Now for a joke that's perhaps better told live. Knock knock! Who's there? The Interrupting Cow! The Interrupting Cow wh....MOOOOOO!
It's not all about the 'likes' and 'views' here on Trackside Treasure. I was interested to see that sharing this post on train orders . com and Facebook, plus others sharing it to Twitter and the Urban Toronto discussion boards resulted in 1,570 views of this post in three days, the most since May 18's Ventures in Service Part 2, and 830 views on train orders . com, the most since a September 12 post about three commuter lines in Montreal being shut down!
Wonder if there is a difference depending on whether the trainset is locomotive-first or cabcar-first. Perhaps the higher weight of the locomotive makes a difference. Either way, I expect the media to make much out of this since they never fail to let a good "scandal" involving VIA go to waste.
Great question, A. VIA seems to invite scrutiny into its 'scandals'. Largely by not being at all transparent with the facts as they happen. We don't know what has been communicated to VIA by CN to cause these operational changes. Maybe we will find out, maybe we won't. So important to stay tuned...
Thanks for your comment,
Venture trainsets were tested across the entire Corridor a year or more before entering service and this has become a problem recently?
Steve Lucas
You're right to ask that question, Steve. We don't know what the testing parameters are/were, but surely crossing signal activation would be an important one to measure. I'm really questioning the timing of this measure and its implementation today. Why today?
Thanks for your comment,
Is this restricted to CN only?
Siemens trains have been operating for a while in the US particularly in Florida and it seems strange that this suddenly appears on CN owned track
So claims that it isn’t host railroad infrastructure seem a bit premature even if it is the Siemens trainsets (both VIA and Amtrak) that get the burden of solving it
Yes, CN only, the majority of the infrastructure owners the Ventures operate on. Perhaps if VIA would tell us about the issue, or make Transport Canada tell us, we would know. Then we wouldn't have to speculate. We could debate whether it's fun to speculate, though!
Thanks for your comment,
Eric, your contention that "Loss-of-shunt is not caused by any host railroad’s infrastructure." is incorrect.
This is a CN-specific problem, caused by CN's own signal system design. It does not apply to any other railroad as their own signal designs don't have the same drawbacks.
It is this same reason why CN has long required a minimum of 12 axles to allow for a movement to operate at track speed.
Toronto, Ont.
Hi Dan,
I agree that contention was awkwardly-phrased. I appreciate the additional information.
Thanks for your comment!
"VIA has standardized each Siemens-built trainsets with one cab car coach, three 'economy' coaches and one business-class car." [two economy, two business]" Plus the locomotive, which makes 6 x 4 = 24 axles. That's 24 down, 8 to go.
What I'm drawing attention to there [my square brackets] is that each consist has two Business Class cars when manufactured. Often, especially on Ottawa trains, only one is in service. Bob Johnston's reporting on those numbers of cars mystified me!
Thanks for your comment, Mark.
Perhaps six wheel trucks are in order to help with the axle count. Or you could convert a multi axle heavy duty flat car in to an open air observation/buffer car. That would make things interesting. Where's HEPX 200 when we need it?
Hey, they're just numbers, so why not? I would *love* to see HEPX 200 going 80 mph, or any freight car for that matter.
I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop and for VIA to do something serious to resolve this issue. Stopping at 80+ crossings in one trip is excessively excessive.
Thanks for your comment, Eric,
Thanks for explaining this latest glitch in Via's operations. The technical details are fascinating in that I would have thought, upon reading your summary, that there may have been some indication that there was going to be a problem with these new trains. After all, as you point out, there was evidence from elsewhere to suggest there was a potential for something like this to happen. And from a casual rider's point of view, this is just another reason why Via is unreliable. I'm not saying this is the case, because as you point out, it's not entirely. But the casual rider will not see such distinctions in the Via boilerplate apology. It looks like weaselly corporate doublespeak to me. Just baffling that people on all sides could have allowed this to happen.
I'm hoping for more evidence, less boilerplate, less doublespeak, and definitely less baffling going on, Michael. Will we be satisfied? Too early to tell.
The good news is, things can only get more transparent and operationally better for VIA from this point. I think!
Thanks for your comment,
I'm on Via 643 as i write this. Currently 20 minutes late as we approach Belleville. These restrictions certainly make for an interesting ride. We'll slow right down for crossings and then pick up speed again once we clear them. It feels very similar to being stuck in rush hour traffic on the 401. Lots of accelerating and then breaking. Thankfully, I'm in no rush to get to my destination but I do hope Via can clear things up with CN soon. Also noticing lots of J trains today. I guess there's crew shortages again. Never a dull day at Via eh?
Thanks for the real time updates, Matthew! Excellent! And it's just what I expected - like teaching kids to drive - GAS! BRAKE! GAS! BRAKE! There's nothing to say the trip has to be a steady one, but you're noticing it so others are, too. VIA has done its best to blame it on CN, and CN is not forthcoming as to what I'm calling the 'smoking gun' that tipped the scales toward the restrictions.
As of today, they're changed the expected delays shown on their website from 30-60 to 15-45 minutes. As I'm typing this, I see your train is expected to arrive 40 minutes late.
Thanks for your comment,
Could they operate more ventures on routes like 71, 73, 76 and 78 to Windsor and 84 and 87 the delays shouldn't be as bad on those routes and move LRCs and HEPs to Toronto-Ottawa trains
Yes, they can and will eventually, A. I'm not sure how bad the daily delays are on the SW Ontario lines to Windsor and Sarnia. When I checked, those trains were 25-35 minutes late due to the CN-imposed crossing speed reductions. There are not as many trains in SW Ontario, and VIA's rotation counts on rotating trains from Ottawa-Toronto-SW Ontario, not operating all-different consists on each side of Toronto. Such a move would definitely affect VIA's maintenance schedule.
Thanks for your comment,
They are going to have to really adjust the equipment rotation for the ventures whenever the next change is I could see the only Montreal Toronto trips 668 on Thursday nights and 63 on Friday mornings being scrapped altogether since they would be the most impacted since almost all of it's route is on CN Kingtson Subdivision.
Hi Frank,
That 668-63 part of the rotation was begun back in May, 2024. Originally I believe it was to take a set to Montreal to allow for more maintenance. Not sure if that's still the case. VIA seems to be OK with the ongoing delays right now. A passenger revolt or Transport Canada regulation might change that.
Thanks for your comment,
Looks like they moved a lot of the equipment to 71-76 and 73-78 as I suspected
Hey Eric, why do I feel like this won’t be resolved til after Christmas? Going to my gf’s parents on Christmas Eve on the 641 which is scheduled to be a venture set, which I’ve been looking forward to after being denied last Christmas. However arriving into Toronto on time to catch the first GO to Kitchener might be questionable.
Hi Zackery,
Might be resolved by Christmas, might not. A lot of plates are spinning right now, and any of them could crash to the floor at any time. More than ever before, I would not anticipate any connections being made where VIA is involved.
Go out hoping for the best, but being prepared for the worst. Having said that, is any train trip not one of the best things in life?
Hope your trip goes well, and that these contentious issues will be resolved favourably sooner rather than later.
Thanks for your comment,
During the few weeks during holidays they removed 47 and 54 most days they will run lots of Ventures on the two scheduled J trains 50 on Fridays and 52 almost daily starting December 16th to about January 5th I think it's a great idea by Via Rail.
Hi, A.
I've been wondering about how the Ventures will be employed on the schedules of VIA Nos 50/60 and 52/62. This will be an interesting introduction to the future operation of those trains!
Thanks for your comment,
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