Wednesday, February 12, 2025

VIA Ventures in Service, Part 3

Back in January, 2024 and with the delivery of the twelfth Siemens Venture set, I split my original Siemens Venture post first published on September 21, 2021. That now seems like an awfully long time ago! We're now splitting it again! VIA's Siemens implementation has so far spawned twelve Trackside Treasure posts and counting! They are:
VIA has been dealing with reduced serviceability of the Ventures, as well as some train cancellations in December and now more in February. A new corridor rotation diagram is expected soon. This post picks up the implementation in February, 2025. 


February 1: Venture-equipped VIA Nos 24, 29, 633 bustituted due to 'mechanical issues'; No 624 replaced by LRC consist. February 2's No 54 and February 3's No 645 pre-cancelled, both due to 'operational constraints'. Perhaps leading up to the planned rotation change on February 4? 

February 3: All London-Toronto trains are all LRC or HEP. The only Venture-equipped train in SW Ontario today is No 84, likely the last one we'll see. A dramatic increase in Venture-equipped trains starting this Monday, from eight up to 15 here. J-trains 60/50 with Set 6/901-4 LRC and 62/52  with Sets 15/18L (*new Montreal-Toronto Venture-equipped trains)(trains cancelled Feb 7-Mar 2):
  • Monday: 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 52, 55, 59, 60*, 61*, 62*, 69*, 641, 669*. 
  • Tuesday: 40, 41, 42, 44, 50, 52, 55, 59, 60, 61, 62, 69, 641, 644, 669. (62/52 split! dep 83 minutes late due to mechanical difficulties on No 52).
  • Wednesday: 40, 42, 44, 47, 50, 52, 55, 59, 60, 62, 69, 641, 643, 645, 669.
  • Thursday: 40, 42, 47, 48, 50, 52, 55, 59, 60, 62, 68, 69, 643, 669.
  • Friday: 42, 44, 47, 50, 52, 55, 59, 60, 61, 62, 69, 643, 645, 669.
  • Saturday: 42, 50, 53, 54, 59, 60, 62, 69, 643, 644, 645.
  • Sunday: 42, 45, 52, 53, 55, 59, 62, 69, 646, 669.
February 4: The first day of fully double J-trained Ventures. I call them 'doublavays' - a nod to the French letter 'W' because We all Win with J-trained Ventures. Double V's! VIA No 62/52 with Sets 6/17; VIA No 60/50 with Sets 15/12 (below at Mi 179.6 Kingston Sub):
February 6: VIA says they are temporarily suspending several trains on the Ottawa-Toronto route due to operational challenges, and that they need to upgrade and exchange all the old cars for the new fleet, so there are less train cars available to operate. Formally put to running trades: VIA has announced temporary cancellation of certain trains to allow for a strategic redeployment of fleet resources allowing for operational improvements: Nos 42/55 daily (effective February 10); No 644 on Fridays and Sundays, and 645 Mondays (effective February 7), through to March 2, then possibly extended to March 30.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: TRAIN CANCELLATIONS IN THE CORRIDOR OTTAWA-TORONTO ROUTE from VIA's Director of Railway Transportation and Operating Practices: 
As part of our ongoing efforts to ensure the long-term reliability and efficiency of VIA Rail's services, we are temporarily suspending several trains on the Ottawa-Toronto route due to operational challenges. These cancellations are necessary to ensure we have sufficient backup available as we transition from our Legacy fleet to the new Venture trains in the Quebec City-Windsor corridor. This allows us to maintain seamless travel and ensure the reliability of our service while some Legacy trains are retired or undergo necessary repairs.

These frequencies were selected based on lower passenger demand to minimize disruption. If passengers ask about these cancellations, reassure them that these cancellations are necessary to ensure availability of spare equipment as VIA Rail's legacy trains reach the end of their lifespan and new trains arrive. 

February 8: I was at Kingston's VIA station to photograph two 'doublavay' J-trained Ventures. VIA No 60/50:
and VIA No 62/52. With this rotation change, mornings at the epicentre of the Venture world, Ottawa station, now include only one Venture when there used to be as many as four!
While at the station that day, I produced the accompanying rudimentary graphic. The data I've been collecting on Venture sets in revenue Corridor service (SW Ontario to Quebec City inclusive) shows that only nine of the 23 sets in use as of February 8, have been in continuous service. I've allowed up two-week intervals for which I've garnered no observations anywhere in the Corridor, allowing that two weeks perhaps for routine service, or just missed by trackside observers. Some have suggested that six sets have waited for windshield replacements/parts.

The following sets have had at least one three-week interval with no observations from November 18-February 8, with some not observed for six, seven or even ten weeks (denoted by RED cells): 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,12,13,14,15,16,20,21. Sets 1 and 3 were not operated at all during that period.
This is as close as I've been able to come to document the unavailability of Venture sets for revenue service throughout the Corridor, since the last Corridor rotation diagram I've seen.  Anecdotal reports received from various sources including on-board staff members telling interested passengers that there were five Venture sets awaiting wheel truing in Montreal, but that the wheel machine was unserviceable and that VIA would not be able to have it fixed quickly. There were seven Venture sets at TMC. One employee mentioned that there were only 11 Venture sets in service at one point. Windshields have cracked on a number of Ventures necessitating wyeing at TMC before returning to Montreal. It is a safety issue/electrocution hazard because of the heating elements for defrosters, and trains can’t lead with a cracked windshield as a matter of structural integrity.  Usually a hairline crack in a corner, the windshields are cracking due to the temperature differential from being inside and then moving outside. Reportedly a maintenance nightmare, a transit is out for 2-3 days to change a single window! Amtrak modified theirs to be changed from the outside with bolts.

With the three Corridor cancellations implemented February 7-10, the Corridor rotation diagram now comprises 12 Venture sets (down from 13 implemented Nov. 4), 12 LRC sets and 3 HEP sets. This seems like a serious regression in the implementation. Diagram kindly shared by Doug Bardeau:
February 11: Set 24 was at Ottawa station, though perhaps not in revenue service.
February 14: VIA No 62/52's second Venture set was locomotive east-facing - unusual!
February 14: Set 24 was at Ottawa station again. Likely burn-in runs.

February 15-16: Major snowstorm hampers operations east of Montreal. February 16's No 69 j’d with 669; February 17's doublavays were split: 60/50 departed 140+ minutes late; No 62/52 departed 130+ minutes late; Set 19 as No 641 j'd with No 643. As of 1425 the list of cancelled Corridor trains for today: 20, 26 (Ottawa-Montréal portion), 33 (Québec-Montréal portion), 37, 44, 53, 66, 67, 68, 69, 83, 87, 668, 669. Reportedly, snowplow contractor for MMC was busy elsewhere, no trains could leave.

February 18: P42-led trains at Ottawa: 4. Venture-equipped trains: Zero.
February 19: Cancelled Corridor Trains (*planned as Ventures): 40*, 44*, 50*, 52*, 60*, 62*, 63, 68, 69*, 641*, 643*, 669*. No 61 temporary equipment swap from LRC to 'doublavay' wyed before Montreal departure to have Set 24 leading bad-order Set 14! One of Set 24's first revenue trips over the CN Kingston Sub.

February 24: At 2318h cab car 2312 derailed, upright, at VIA Rail's MMC during yard movement reversing eastward on shop track S3 West.

February 28: VIA No 646 Set 18/Lumi hit a glancing blow to an unoccupied car at Mi 5.4 Brockville Sub at Jasper, ON at 98 mph in a 100 mph zone. VIA No 54 coming to its rescue to push it north to Ottawa. Set 18 just returned from 'moose damage'. The stirrups were bent back as well as some plow damage, but were straightened on Saturday, March 1 at the TMC.

March 1: Set 18 Lumi was in service on VIA No 643, so damage must have been minimal.

A new rotation effective March 3 courtesy Doug Bardeau. The February 9 train reductions are expected to remain in effect until March 30, likely allowing VIA to continue with only 12 Venture sets covering the Corridor.
March 3: Three sets reported bad-order at TMC: Set 12 ‘multiple defects’; Set 24 ‘seized brakes’; Set 26  ‘shattered windshield’.

March 5: Set 24 must have unsealed (above). In service on VIA No 40.
March 8: Here's an updated and slightly refined table showing Venture sets out of service, as did the table posted under February 8. The following sets have had at least one three-week interval (for some sets two weeks) with no observations in the weeks nominally November 18-March 3, with some not observed for six, seven or even 16 weeks (denoted by RED cells): 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,19,20,21. Sets 1 and 3 were not operated at all during that period.
VIA bought an extended warranty on this fleet, which prevents shop staff from taking certain actions that may void the warranty. Red tape and politics seem to be preventing timely decisions and actions from being taken. Like an ATM, when it works, it’s great! But Siemens controls much of the supply chain, and Siemens response to VIA “we’ve never seen THAT before…” when new problems pop up!

March 9: Further service reductions: 50 and 645, plus others. Ventures will reportedly be J’d, making more doublavays thereby cutting the fleet in half


JWM in Florida said...

Eric, forgive me, but two questions. One is about the "truing" and I find it a bit odd that new equipment needs it unless they tried to stop the cars with hard braking thereby causing flat spots on the wheels. Two is regarding the broken machinery at Montreal. Could the sets be sent down to Toronto at lower speed and have it done there? I feel very sorry for VIA, its emplyees and the traveling public. Thanks. Joseph

Eric said...

That's a wheel-y good question about the truing, Joseph. Perhaps this is a manufacturer's requirement. They may indeed have wheel lathes at the TMC, though with the Siemens run-through shop not complete, I'm not sure if they're appropriate for Venture wheels.

Thanks for your sympathy All passengers, railfans and VIA need all the positive thoughts they can get these days.

Thanks also for your comment,

JWM in Florida said...

Hi Eric, on this Saturday in March, I thank you for your two flags photo and comments with which I 100% agree. FYI, I first set foot in Gare Centrale as a nine year old with my French fluent American mother and my scattered knowledge of it. I've lost count of the number of times I've been through it since. Anyway, is there even a small beacon of hope that Via can operate the Ventures at their intended speed anytime in our lifetime? Thanks and hope the thaw doesn't have you flooded. Cheers, Joseph

Eric said...

I appreciate your sentiments, Joseph. I learned the French version of our national anthem while waiting for a train in Central Station!

Yes, there is hope that VIA's Ventures will operate as intended, but CN has to give up their seemingly-nonsensical and Quixotic pseudo-safety campaign!

Our that has been gradual and welcome!