NOKL 550001 with the 'Julius Pringle' - October 28 |
My highlight-reel images from the very end of October and November, 2022, showing Railstream webcam images from Geddes Street level crossing (actually anything but level when driving over it!) over CN's Kingston Subdivision in Belleville, ON. (All images courtesy
Railstream, LLC.) It's not as if I observed every train, maybe only 2% of November's trains. But there were enough oddities, plus exceptional cars and engines that led me to saving and sharing them in this post. The number of trespassers using the mainline as a sidewalk is pretty alarming. Usually dark clothing, head down, between the rails, against the current of traffic, carrying a skateboard, perhaps even earbuds in!
BCOL 6148- November 1 |
DWC 558571 - November 1 |
UP 465301 - November 1 |
TPCX 190630 with two GFL trash-haulers WB - November 5 |
12 CSXT/HKRX/MWNX flood-loaded coal hoppers EB - November 7 |
NS 9768 with 4 units EB - November 7 |
New UP 700276 - November 8 |
ACFX 48644 on ITTX 974277 - November 9 |
QNSL 410-407 WB - November 9 |
CNIS 412011 inspection car - November 10 |
Several cars of 'pipes' on No 305 - November 13 |
VIA 6443-6445L from No 2 trailing No 42 - November 13 |
NOKL 360321 - November 16 |
Refurbished diner Frontenac and coach 8101 trailing No 63 - November 16 |
CN (EJ&E Heritage unit) 3023 leads WB intermodal - November 19 |
Meet in front of the camera - November 21 |
CN 3950 leads former Deathstar IC 1037 on No 372 - November 22 |
VIA 8517-8137 trailing No 42 - November 22 |
Quadcam surprise - Virginian heritage unit 1069 on Atlanta cam - November 23 |
Mid-Iowa Corp. covered hopper - November 25 |
Combination-door CN 598140 with rare small 'CN' - November 26 |
Rio Tinto BMEX 522 on CN No 306 - November 28 |
Part 2, we see what December brought!
Running extra...
Huge wow factor. Sailor, book customer and Legomaster Gilles Lessard has created an amazing 'Coke-can' covered hopper made of Lego. I had to look twice. Then I had to look twice more. See
Gilles' amazing creative talent! Gilles kindly sent some links: a
massive event in Germany; a Lego gathering
in Chicago' and a real
black beauty!
My Lego technical ability began with the seemingly prehistoric Shell tank truck and fire truck! Gilles kindly added...It is mostly called L-gauge (lego gauge) and most people build to the scale of around 1:48, or 8-wide, referring to 8 studs being 10 feet. The Lego minifigure isn't the most anatomically accurate thing therefore people play with the scale to something that feels right and not necessarily 100% to scale.
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