Saturday, May 14, 2016

Springtime in Belleville, May 2016

Another opportunity to survey the shiny silver rail offerings of CN and VIA in Belleville, ON presented itself on Saturday, May 7. Though I would like to have stationed myself along Airport Parkway, the southern exposure this time of day was too tempting, so I stayed on the south side at the VIA station and points east. Out of the car waiting for one of the few Saturday VIA trains, the first train crept and crawled through the yard to its station stop:
This was VIA No 643:  909-3463R-3336-3326Ren-3302R at 1200, running a little late.

VIA No 40 slunk through at 1214: 6453-3467R-3325-3358-3306R. That orange ex-CN maintenance-of-way building is now privately owned.
In between, CN No 376 announced its arrival at the VIA station, behind 2520-2013. Though rolling at track speed, this train would stop for a crew change east of the yard.
More on the day's mundane, not-so-mundane, and blisteringly mundane rolling stock in this subsequent post. GATX jet fuel tank cars on the tail end:
Recrewing at Elmwood Drive in the heat waves:
CN crew transporter parking spot in use:
Starting to pull at Mitchell Road:
Ex-American, already showing its age in its new CN colours:

At 1250, CN No 305 led by 3063 with 660 axles. I have yet to photograph a train that doesn't look good at this location!

Wings to fly!
A bit of Trackside Treasure sleigh-of-hand here...CN No 305 actually met CN No 376 before 376 started pulling as shown in the above photo. Trying to keep it intuitive for the readership!
DPU on No 305 was CN 3051, another of CN's newest GE's:
A mere 27 minutes later at 1317 - CN No 369 also at Mitchell Road: 2270-IC 2462 with 654 axles and unphotographed DPU 2538:
Bluebird of Happiness!
With that, we headed away from trackside, eventually returning east to Kingston with some trainwatching memories and photos, plus craft supplies (spouses' program again). Watch for an upcoming post on the Thurlow/Point Anne cement operation that once interchanged with CN and CP just east of Belleville. Now the site of a marine operation, its former history remains cemented in time.

Running extra...

We dined deliciously at the Belleville A&W. Since the former carhop establishment has gone to an a l a carte menu, fries or onion rings are extra. Extra tasty, that is! Followed by shopping at Taste of Country. As part of the Trackside Treasure spouses' program, if you go...start at the back of the store, work to the front and grab your cart for the food items. Much easier to negotiate the narrow aisles of this old farmhouse.

Though this might more appropriately reside at my OTHER blog, Fast Food and Trains (see sidebar) McDonald's has summer drink days on now. Only a dollah (or two), all summah!
The annual campaign of dandelion eradication has begun. Nary one of the Yellow Menace should reside on any self-respecting homeowner's lawn, just waiting the expel its 400 seeds per flower! Trackside Treasure fun fact for non-carnivores...did you know that the dandelion is one plant of which every part is edible? Just dandy!


Steve Boyko said...

Nice report, Eric! I agree that that location where you shot 305 is pretty attractive!

Don't remind me of the Yellow Menace.. that may be growing on my lawn as we speak.

Eric said...

Indeed, Steve. All green space is nice, whether trackside or at our houses, but the dandelion hordes want it all for themselves. I left a few for the bees, though.

Thanks for your comment,