I took a lot of notes on my autumn 1985 western trip from Kingston to Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Rather than sandwich my observations in with the previous
three-part trip account, I'm publishing them here in this postscript. Much of the equipment that I recorded is now, predictably, gone. One would be hard-pressed to find any of it carrying on in service in its 1985 state, though some pieces may live on having been remanufactured or downloaded to shortlines.
Notes are presented by Date, Location, Railway, Time of Train if moving, Direction. Numbers are those of locomotives unless otherwise indicated, separated by hyphens if coupled together, and hyphenated with caboose numbers if on same train.
September 16/85 - aboard VIA's Cavalier and No 1 to Portage
Kingston 0343 WB - CN 2109-2041-9462 with caboose 79727.
Coteau, QC - CN 3128, 3118, 3702.
Pointe St Charles - CN 7911, 7924.
Central Station: VIA 6925, 6764; CN electric 6712.
Turcot: CN 4493, 1301, 1302, caboose 79732.
Alexandria, ON: VIA 6775 with 2 coaches.
Bells Corners 1230 EB - CN 5180-5078.
Ottawa - VIA 6764-York Club-5648-3208, 5649, Elliston, two Vice-Regal cars, business car 5.
Chalk River 1520 EB - CP 5540-5916-5520 with van 434539; 4714.
North Bay - ONR 1604, 1515; Chessie 3738, 3739, 3714; CP 4234-5534-5530-5965.
Sudbury - CP 1594, Jordan spreader 402891.
Chapleau - CP 1596, van 434557.
White River - CP 3040.
Schreiber - CP 4570-4717, end-cupola van 434067.
September 17/85 - Aboard VIA No 1
West of Schreiber - 0957 EB - CN 5207-5053; 1013 EB - CP 5943-QNSL 206-5564-5594, van 434419; 1027 EB - CP 5571-4503, van 434725.
Thunder Bay - CN 1905-1907, 425-455 (slug), 5075, caboose 79735; CP 1558, 8122, 5979, 1560, 1530, 1563, 1528, 1566, end-cupola van 437310.
Niblock - Loose Caboose CP 437188.
Ignace - CP 5980 switching.
Dryden - CP 7034.
Hawk Lake - CP vans 434440, end-cupola 437185.
Kenora: CP 5908, 6711, 5954, 5784, van 434641.
September 21/85 - Aboard VIA No 1 Portage to Vancouver
0720 WB - CP 5926-5696-5933, van 434502.
Swift Current, SK - CP 4237.
Medicine Hat, AB 0910 EB- CP 5849-5806-6026, van 434546.
Brooks, AB - CP 5984-5xxx, van 434451.
West of Brooks 1157 EB - CP 5727-5924-5963.
Calgary Ogden Shops - CP 1504, 1507, 8113, 8120; vans 437320, 437477.
Calgary station - WB CP 5657-5678-5713-5675 with grain; EB CP 5592-5567-5636-5569.
Field, BC 1840 EB - CP 5804-5759-5674-5749.
September 22, 1985 - aboard VIA No 1 thence VIA No 4 to Edmonton
West of North Bend 0657 EB - CP 5870-5857-5778
0808 EB - CP 5868-5842-5603-49 cars coal - 6064-5725- 62 cars.
Port Coquitlam - CP 8665, 5670.
1407 WB - CP 5625-5539-5599-5659.
Near Boston Bar 1850 WB - CP 5809-5836-5971-coal-5715-5767, van 434208.
Boston Bar - CN 5413-5414.
Kamloops - CN 5579, 7010, 5339, 5356, 5608.
Edmonton, AB - CN 5325, 5145, 5342, 5235, 5030, 5228, 1075, 1081, 1080 (ex-NAR), 5231, 5000, 5031, 1256, caboose CN 79101 (ex-NAR).
September 23/85 - aboard VIA No 5 to Prince Rupert
Edmonton - CN 1289, 1290, 1261, 1254, 5235, 5030, 5145, 5156, 5244, 5413-5414, caboose 79338.
Edson 1806 EB - CN 5416-5110; 5180-9633, cabooses 79327, 79604.
September 24/85 - aboard VIA No 5
Endako, BC 0813 EB - CN 9607-5164-5230 coal, 'red' caboose 78199.
Smithers CN 9604-5135-5161 coal, 'red' caboose 78195; 4111, 7001; caboose 79257.
Pitman at 1530 - CN 9665-ballast train - caboose 79666.
Terrace - CN 5160-9644, 7000, 'red' caboose 78198.
Prince Rupert - CN 5152-5168-9605 with coal; 4107, 9658, 4267, auxiliary crane 50005, cabooses 79750, 79625.
September 25/85 - aboard VIA No 6 towards Edmonton thence No 4
Near Kitwanga, BC 1503 WB - CN 9636-9661-45 cars-79717.
New Hazelton 1650 WB - CN 9601-5169-5158 with coal.
Prince George - CN 7006, 7008, 7009.
Jasper, AB - CN 5243, caboose 79479.
1212 WB - CN 5339-5343, caboose 79682.
Edmonton - CN 5334 (Expo86), 1291, 5325, 1256, 5315, 9599, 5339, 5300, 5245, 5357, 515, 5609, 1078, 1082, 7513, 1505(?), 1504, 1117, 1124, NAR 17038 4-man bunk car, cabooses 79642, 76500, 79881.
Wainwright WB - CN 5331-5043-5274, cabooses 79411-79652.
Edgerton EB - CN 5327-9464-5079.
Saskatoon, SK - CN 1141, caboose 79480.
September 26/85 - aboard VIA No 4
1718 WB - CN 5423-5170-5051.
1755 WB - CN 9497-5188-lumber empties-79511; 5059-5101.
September 28/85 - photographing elevators out of Regina
Weyburn, SK - CP 5840-5610-3032-8707, van 434673.
September 29/85 - about to board VIA No 2
Regina - CP 1569, 3031; van 434406; 5019-5012, van 434473; 1720 EB CP 5965-3022-5015-Conrail 7799, van 434611; 1925 WB CP 5907-Chessie 3716-5693-3011-8493, van 434309; 1932 EB CP 6057-5626, van 434723; 2043 WB CP 6006-5732-5716 with intermodal.
September 30/85 - aboard VIA No 2 becoming VIA No 10 at Sudbury
Winnipeg - CN 1262, 9665-5595, caboose 79834; VIA 6536-6622.
Ingolf, ON 1042 EB - CP 5929-Chessie 3711.
Kenora 1150 WB - CP 4570-5972-6038-5984
1241 WB - CP4742-4503 intermodal-434459.
Thunder Bay - CP 8122, 1694, 1212, 1573, 8110, end-cupola van 437310.
Sudbury - CP 4218, 4214, 4709, 4703, 6594, 7090, 7099, 6595, 6588, Conrail 7765.
Orillia - CN 2541, 79661.
Barrie - CN 4518-4560, CN 674000 and HEPX 100 depressed-centre flat cars-79868; GO 504-2122-2062-2120-213.
Running extra...

Railfan updates ripped from today's headlines! VIA 6445 heads east dutifully, as the newest 'love the way' wrapped beautifully, April 3 (above - Lance Gleich reports 6445 led VIA No 1 ex Toronto on Sunday, April 10). Three days later, my son-in-law snapped Cando's CCGX 1004 crossing Taylor-Kidd Boulevard at Jim Snow Drive.