Saturday, April 21, 2018

CP's Carberry Subdivision west of Portage

CP's mainline between Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie was featured in this previous post. Now, go west young man! Manitoba Pool Elevators (MPE) Burnside grain elevator was one of the last wooden grain elevators built, opening on July 24, 1984. Surprisingly, its lifespan was a short 25 years. Located eight miles west of Portage la Prairie on CP's Carberry Subdivision, near the Trans-Canada Highway, this shipping point was intended to replace Portage's 'A' elevator which was lost to fire in 1982. I was able to visit the elevator twice - once in 1984 during construction and again in 1986 with agent Fern Legault. Eastbound at Burnside on June 5, 1986 at 1042 is a CP intermodal freight with 5989-5924-5407:

At 80 feet high, the double-composite design comprised 47 bins with a 5,680 tonne, 308,000-bushel  capacity. The acccess road featured a former CP tank car body in use as a culvert! I was shocked to see a photo of this 25 year-old, still-useful elevator being demolished in this 2009 photo, kindly shared by Dwayne Chapman:
MacGregor at Mi 78 also had an MPE presence. MacGregor was named after Doctor MacGregor of Glasgow, Scotland. A 1963 view of CP's station and water tower from the Dave Shaw collection:
During a May, 1984 visit to MacGregor, I photographed the CPR wooden water tower, the Elephant fertilizers elevator as well as the Manitoba Pool elevator:
A variety of CP boxcars spotted for loading (above) and a better-lit view of the trackside MPE fertilizer shed (below):
 The Esso fuel dealership was in the shadow of Manitoba Pool:
Austin was at Mi 85. It was named after the aide-de-camp of the Marquis of Lorne. Manitoba Pool elevator, May 1994. (L.C. Gagnon photo):
Sidney was at Mi 95; the Cargill elevator seen here during an evening visit in 1984:
Sidney trackside view with a tank hopper spotted at left, and at right, the CP portable station:
Thanks to Matt Tolton who noted that Sidney's elevator was demolished in 1999. The Carberry Sub, shown in red, runs across the middle of this map:
In June, 1984 this large Pioneer plant in Brandon hosted CNWX aluminum and yellow covered hoppers:
 Brandon B Manitoba Pool Elevators:
 Newly-built Manitoba Pool Elevators Brandon A visible from the Trans-Canada Highway:
I digress - west of Brandon at Mi 47 of CP's Broadview Sub, Virden's unique stone station, taken from the tail-end of VIA No 2 in 1982:
Photos taken by my Dad during a trip westward on CP in the steam era. Carberry United Grain Growers elevator and passing freight, in September, 1950 (L.C. Gagnon photo)
Sidney Pool No. 200 in September, 1950 with a more substantial CP station (L.C. Gagnon photo):
The timing of this post is not completely surprising. Walling in wheaty nostalgia, I've just saved over 270 grain elevator photos to a memory stick that's going to my graphic designer tomorrow. Having just received a draft (draft cover, below) of Volume 1 - TRAINS of my Trains and Grains project, it's great to have Volume 2 - GRAINS ready to receive the same fine treatment!

Running extra...

Kingston Transit continues to pour new buses onto its express routes. The fourth and newest express route debuts May 7 - Route 801/802 Montreal Street. Here's Nova-built KT 1826 in service this morning on Kingston Express Route 702:
Thanks to Canadian Railway Modeller magazine for this just-published review of my fourth book on VIA, Trackside with VIA - Research and Recollections:

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