Friday, February 3, 2017

Postscript: Diefenbaker Funeral Train

In June 2014, I published a post on the John G. Diefenbaker funeral train that bore the Chief home to Saskatchewan in August, 1979. Bruce Chapman kindly subsequently shared photos last September that were taken at Ottawa Station on that day. Vice-Regal cars at left (top photo) as the funeral procession (below) arrived at the station.

Honour Guard (above) and the head-end (below):
The three units were on the train when it arrived in Sudbury. A CP Rail diesel maintainer was riding the train Ottawa to Sudbury, and only 1410 was working! The other two units were on idle. CP dug out two SG-equipped RS10's and CN was waiting with two cab units at Winnipeg.
Departing the nation's capital:
At Bells Jct/Moodie Drive (below). Opposing trains through Northern Ontario were stopped prior to meeting the train. Westward trains from Ottawa were held until the train reached Carleton Place. CP Rail mechanical staff in Chapleau were issued with white overalls for train servicing. The Royal Canadian Legion conducted a short ceremony at White River. Classy.

Thanks to Bruce Chapman for sharing the photos and gathering memories about this historic train from Reg Fitzpatrick and Gerard McGrath.  

Running extra...

That was Canada 112. For Canada 150, VIA is slapping wraps on VIA 916, LRC coach 3356 and Glenfraser. The first two were on VIA Nos 60 and 67 today. Malcolm Peakman turned up trackside at Mi 196 to snap No 60 in daylight:
Note to self: grab a photo of that Technicolor Toaster to include in my upcoming book on VIA Rail. I'm deep into selecting photos right now. That is a ton of fun. So much so that I don't really want the book creation process to ever end.

Tonight on Jeopardy, the clue was about a 'Q' person who was a traitor in WW2 Norway. AND THE CONTESTANT ACTUALLY GUESSED "Who is Quiznos?" How did she think he get to Norway? ON A SUB??


Steve Boyko said...

I was shouting "QUISLING!" at the TV, Eric. I guess that word has gone out of favour now.

Eric said...

I know, right?? If such wonky answers start increasing in frequency, the rarest quantity is going to be a "QUIZSHOW"!

Googling stuff like crazy and thanking you for your comment,
Gen. Knowledge