CN's Craik Subdivision (see
this previous post) was often photographed by agricultural news photographers, probably because of its proximity to their newspapers' editorial offices. In April 1994, CN 5500's were spotting empties at Davidson (above). In 1995, cylindrical and newer ACF-type covered hoppers were being loaded at Chamberlain:

In December 1994, Aylesbury's Pool elevator was taken down:

Till the cows come home...Aylesbury's remaining elevator and townscape in January 1998:

Aylesbury's P&H elevator meets the morning sun in 2002:

A reflection of things to come...Craik Pool A was only cleaning, not receiving grain in April 2001:

Craik's three remaining elevators witnessed winter, with sectionmen digging out switchpoints:

Due to rationalization of the elevator network and the ceaseless march of time, of the towns I photographed in 1986, Davidson has two wooden elevators remaining, while Chamberlain and Craik have only one. Dundurn B was taken down October 22, 1998, with some of the structure reclaimed for use in the Mennonite Retreat Centre near Waldheim:

CN still operates the Saskatoon-Davidson, northern portion of the Craik Sub, serving the large elevator terminals at Davidson. From Davidson south to Bethune, near Regina, shortline Last Mountain Rail operates the southern portion. (Any resumption of passenger rail service between Saskatoon and Regina is unlikely, notwithstanding the highway paralleling the tracks.) There's also the complication of condo-owning NIMBY's near Regina, not wanting LMR's initial ex-Santa Fe GE's and recently-arrived ex-WC SD40's passing by with grain drags.

Dave Slater of Regina shared these shots of LMR motive power. Typical LMR operations include Monday and Friday interchange runs to CN at Davidson, with online elevator shuttles on other days. A new bulk terminal at Aylesbury will likely bring LMR more cars to move. Of interest is MobilGrain's 25-car mobile grain cleaning operation, recently set up in Meyronne, comprising some ex-Milwaukee and other covered hopper cars, loading one car per hour into outbound grain cars, here are some
photos. MobilGrain is one partner in the new shortline, Saskatchewan's tenth.

Running extra...
Special thanks to Dave, Mark, Ken and Trevor for their assistance with LMR updates, because Kingston is a long way from Kenaston. To join the Yahoogroup for more up-to-the-minute news from the Land of Living Skies and Friendly Manitoba, click to join the MB-SKrails Yahoogroup in my right sidebar.
Last Wednesday, NBC'sAmerica's Got Talent guest starred Train (it's a group) with their runaway ukulele riff-laced hit, Hey Soul Sister (sample lyrics: I'm so glad you have/a one-track mind like me/you gave my life direction) Ever notice those big X's they give the acts on AGT look like crossbucks?
CN's ex-UP units that I blogged about in this
post are being repainted by CN and entering service, mostly on CN's U.S. lines, although some have made it as far as Mac Yard in Toronto. The repainted units bear a striking resemblance to Little Obie, the CN parade unit from Memphis.
Very nice!
However, there are not just 2 elevators in Davidson now, but 3 or 4 still, I believe. There is a UGG/Cargil elevator plant on the north edge of town, the old Pioneer, and a Pool/Viterra plant on the south edge, for sure.
I'm going to Moose Jaw this weekend, so I should be seeing a fair bit of the Craik sub.
The Aylesbury P&H is gone now too...
Elijah, thanks for your additional information. Here's a good up-to-date listing for the whole province:
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