CN 633020 COFC flatcar
CN 404322
CN 404238
CN 400749
CN 401694
CN 407067
CN 400820
BCOL 5356 boxcar
CNIS 408011
CGTX 13432 tankcar
CNIS 376016 covered hopper
CN 704001 first of 7 autoracks
CN 704421
CN 704030
TTGX (CR) 253955
SOU (NS) 250791
CN 712270
CN 710089
CN 404093
ATSF 306992 covered hopper
ATSF 303385 covered hopper
LW 1040 boxcar
CN 374218 pd covered hopper
CN 416380
PROX 29579 tankcar
CITX 35368 tankcar
CNA 553615
CN 557014
CN 138215 gondola
CN 137497 gondola
CN 401663
CN 400780
CN 375107 covered hopper
CNIS 412020
CNIS 412010*
CNIS 412006*
CNIS 412002
CN 157065 gondola
CN 157240 gondola
CNIS 412037
CNIS 412065
CN 157226 gondola
CN 711911 autorack
TTGX(UP) 964472 autorack
CN 710013 autorack
CN 157146 first of 7 gondolas
CN 157075
CN 157001
CN 157143
CN 157063
CN 157281
CN 157064
CN 401437
LW 1005 boxcar
CNIS 400576
CN 407087
CN 157002 gondola
CN 157200 gondola
CN 157151 gondola
CN 400781
CN 401327
CN 407012
DWC 403589 boxcar
CVC 402183 boxcar
CN 401123
CN 418122**
RBOX 38748 boxcar
CN 416332
RBOX 36932 boxcar
CN 416513
CN 418158**
CNIS 412083*
CNIS 412087*
CN 412099
CN 412080
CN 412070
CN 411039
CN 157267 gondola
CN 157181 gondola
CN 401365
CV 402xx1 boxcar
NAHX 487562 covered hopper
CN 369873 covered hopper
CN 694038 wire reel flatcar
*blt NSC 11/89
**blue ex-N&StL

Nice pictures...wider than usual. The CN was quite a bit more interesting than. Thoes Laser Intermodal trains look pretty cool!
Hi Elijah, yes I scanned these on our newer scanner - pleased with the way they came out. The Lasers will be a future post - they used CN 5-pak well cars, no Trailer Train or COFC.
Happy new year,
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