Although GM and MLW cab units were in charge of most VIA trains in the late eighties, the F40PH-2's, VIA's first new locomotives since the LRC, were about to arrive. The first of the 6400's arrived on December 15/86, with 25 delivered by the following September, and the last of the series in 1989. 6514 and four cars were eastbound (above), and 6778-5652-3232 were westbound on a snowy February 5, 1987:

It was possible to see 6400's, 6500's, 6700's, and LRC 6900's all in one day. On at least one occasion, in Ottawa, a 6500-6400-6900 combination was observed - although it was a rare sighting, it remains a holy grail for many fans of VIA's late eighties era.
March 5/87 0300 EB: 6408-6652-Elrose-5603-5497-3033-Everett-Glace Bay-9648 (my first F40 sighting)
March 14/87: 6916-6904 (dead)-3472-3339-3316-3344
I noted one of the early GPA-30b's, November 24/87: 6422-3453-3355-3369-3463-3458
Soon the F40's were looking right at home replacing LRC locomotives,
May 15/88: 6416-3402-3331-3352-3302:

The F-units were bumped to remaining conventional trains, Friday and Sunday Nos 168&169. August 7/88 No 169: 6505-University Club-5482-3228-5471-5437:

January 29/89 No 169: 6761-752-5728-5494-3219-5621 (my last FPA4 sighting)
February 17/89 No 168: 6557 (ex-CP)-5 cars
June 4/89 No 168: 6513-5499-5503-5506-3219-Union Club:

LRC consists of 6-10 cars had one LRC locomotive at each end.
August 14/89: 6920-3454-3357-3347-3367-3354-3375-3307-3368-3372-3470-6909.
It was also possible to see two 6500's or two 6900's hauling conventional cars, truly a Canadian passenger conventional consist cornucopia.
February 4/90: 6903-6907-15xxx-Union Club-6 blue&yellow cars
February 11/90: 6540-6530-6 blue&yellow cars-96.
VIA's F's were making their last stand, with 4 6700's departing for the Napa Valley Wine Train in January/88, and 10 ex-CP F's billed to Sidbec for scrap in February/88. Another ex-CP F, one of the last three, appeared on the Kingston Sub at Belleville.
April 30/90 No 62: 6437-6569-5503-5611-3247-5444-5642-3253-Union Club-9645:

April 30/90 No 63: 6448-8117-9628-Mount Royal Club-3220-5594-5621-3238, with 8117 being one of the first Head-End Power (HEP) conversions of former CP Canadian stainless steel cars from steam heat, evident by its tinted glass and blue stripe matching that of 6448:

F40's could also be seen with conventional cars and not-yet-HEP'd stainless steel cars.
May 25/90 No 63: 6430-9639-Club Laurier-3217-5616-5503-3218-101-100.(below)
June 9/90: 6414-6914-123-3230-5603-5617-3203-University Club-9639.

June 11/90: 6450-3201-5569-5529-3242-York Club-9645:

June 13/90 No 63: 6450-6429 (back-to-back)-8118-8120 (both newly HEP'd)-9640-Union Club-3253-5437-5621-3211-95-Sandford Fleming.
July 2/90: 6441-15475-5514-3248-5594-5488-3207-Empire Club-9632:

Some representative consists with LRC equipment:
September 16/90: 6425-3466-3343-3312-3369, 6427-3455-3341-3348-3351,
Westbound through Belleville, HEP baggage 8601 rode between the F40 and the SGU:
October 20/90: 6456-8601-15417-9671-Mount Royal Club-3200-5581-5487-3219:

Running extra...
Looking for New In Box steam and diesel HO Rivarossi, Bachmann, AHM, Model Power, Cox, coaches and train sets such as Bachmann and Lionel HO Confederation, MRC powerpacks and N locomotives and cars? I visited a friend with a well-stocked basement today, ready to sell at reasonable prices. Contact me by email (mile179kingstonATyahooDOTca) and I will get you in touch.
Jason Shron of Rapido Trains has posted his plan for the lower level of his proposed layout, including the Spadina Coach Yard and Toronto Union Station. It will no doubt be full of Rapido cars: CN, VIA, ONR and the Turbo.
Only in Canada..people referring to the movie The Polar Express as the Polar Bear Express. My favourite scene/lyrics: "Here, we've only got one rule: Never ever let it cool! Keep it cookin' in the pot, You've got Hot choc-o-lat!"