VIA train consists in the Quebec City-Windsor corridor represent equipment types seen on other intercity trains, and to some extent longer-distance trains. In the first of a series of posts on VIA's corridor consists in VIA's various eras, let's explore the most recent, and current era. In 2001, the purchase of Renaissance (UK Nightstar) cars had just been announced. General Electric P42DC's in the 900-series entered service, and all but one of VIA's last F-units, the 6300's, were retired. The last of the LRC locomotives were also retired, and coaches were LRC and HEP stainless-steel cars. Many corridor trains were 1 locomotive, 3-5 cars, with baggage car-equipped train Nos 57/60 arguably the most interesting trains to see.
March 9/01 No 64: 6419-3466-3332-3373-3323.
March 9/01 No 51 0535 WB: 6416-4113-4001-4115-6453-4122-Burton Manor-Evangeline Park.
March 10/01 No 60: 6417-6457-8622-8108-4002-8136-4009-4100-4116-4118-4114-4003.
July 18/01 No 67: 6921-3 LRC cars.
July 18/01 No 66: 6903-3 LRC cars.
July 18/01 No 68: 6428-4109-4106-4009.
August 4/01 No 60: 6418-8618-3365-4113-4111-4116-4110-4102-4007.
P42's roll out: 902 with 5 LRC cars on No 47 on June 9/02 (top)
901 leads a four-car No 65 viewed from the east leg of the Bath Spur, Mi 190 Kingston Sub on June 26/02:

June 9/02 No 66: 911-7 LRC cars-907.
June 9/02 No 67: 912-3471-3354-3304-3319-3369-3321-3320-3366-3316-3470-3456-917.
June 26/02 No 68: 6415-4118-4108-4005-3313.
July 19/02: 6408-3467-3372-3361-3370-3601-3464-905.
GE meets GE - VIA No 56 Eng 917 meets CN No 365 Eng 2671 at Belleville on August 15/03:

On a snowless December 22/02 CN No 363 was in emergency, delaying VIA trains. Nos 642 and 60 made simultaneous station stops at Kingston. No 60's second unit is CBC 50th anniversary unit 6403, one of the commercial paint schemes applied to VIA 6400's: Home Hardware, Telus, Spiderman, and Loto-Quebec:

Another two-unit No 60, likely due to the March break:
March 11/06: 6420-6406-8618-4009-4004-8101-4117-4111-4122-4114-4118-4109.
Most VIA corridor trains used LRC cars, but the HEP cars continue to be used for Nos 57, 60, 68 and 69. Operational variations include extra cars during peak periods, the use of lounge car Glenfraser on some trains, or J-trains consisting of two trainsets joined together, with only one crew as far as Brockville, such as Nos 52/40 and 648/668.
May 31/06 No 69: 6401-4005-4108-4120-4115.
May 31/06 No 68: 908-4002-4112-4119.
November 27/06 No 61: 902-3470-3455-3363-3304-3340-3315.
November 27/06 No 45: 914-3463-3368-3309-3311.
On a cloudy June 3/06, 6407 has an 8-car HEP consist in tow at Queens East:

Another No 57 consist October 14/07: 6415-8622-4002-4004-4121-4110-4101-4117-4120.
A mixed HEP/LRC consist on Family Day:
February 18/08 No 45: 6421-3460-3361-3354-3321-3367-4114-4111-4121-4004-4001-8621-919.
2009 saw the announcement of F40's, HEP and LRC fleet refurbishing, as VIA moves towards a sunny next era.

Running extra...
Michael Palin's Himalaya is the book I'm currently listening to. Michael's account of the departure of a steam train from Peshawar, Pakistan, "There is time to indulge the voyeuristic pleasure of railway travel. Surreptitious view of high walls, alleys and back gardens. Glimpses of life backstage. As the train passes it gives a look-at-me whistle. The animals run away from it. The children run towards it."
Well that weird family with their errant balloon has had their 15 minutes of fame. Top story on Global, CNN and our local newscast. The balloon did resemble a jiffy-pop popcorn bag.
An SNL fake ad once featured a vehicle air-bag that puffed up like jiffy-pop after a collision, so fresh popcorn was available for the driver while waiting for the tow truck.