Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Coupler Conversion Video

Ever heard the phrase, "the journey is the destination"? Or perhaps, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating"? Well, how about, "The couplers are in the conversion"? I raise this topic because I've read many posts and threads on how important it is to use the proper couplers on your layout's rolling stock. Sure, expense and hassle are two reasons NOT to convert your fleet. But we need to overcome these foibles and move ahead progressively. To that end...

...I made this Youtube video when converting several cars in my HO-scale fleet recently. 

The video contains a couple of my experiences in the coupler conversion process. Oh sure, you might watch it and say it's convoluted, controversial, counter-cultural or even condescending. (FYI, condescending is a word that means you're talking down to people. In case you didn't know that.) I think the video will prove to be somewhat valuable, and will hopefully keep others from making the same mistakes I've made. Even if it only helps a couple, it's worth it!

Running extra...

IF you go to Toronto, and IF you to the Departures level, and IF you look in the alcoves off the concourse, you'll see an interesting variety of displays on Toronto Union Station and Canadian railway history. IF you see this one and you're not amazed at the monochromatic monsters (including a BL-2!) that lurk within, I'd be surprised!
These Eyes took a totally unplanned turn using my occasional administrative approval acumen to do this this week. Guess Who? I think it'll work out okay, but if not it can likely be Undun!


Michael said...

As long as its not some Albert Flasher Glamour Boy Johnny-come-lately who is only out to troll the group. I have No Time left for uhhhh... them.

Eric said...

Looks legit to me. Hopefully it's not just some American Woman!