Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Postscript: Freight Car Placards

Little did I know that the reverse of the bottom, right-hand placard in the above photo was a treasure-trove of information! Reposing in a file folder, it looked like just another Dangerous placard, though a couple of hand-written notations caught my eye. One was CMBU 2230372, which represents a Belgian Line container's reporting marks. On its reverse, handwritten in pencil with the date October 7, 1974 was an interesting listing for several cars and containers. I've re-typed the listing, adding some information (in brackets) on the cars listed.

T-17                              OCT 7/74                         
NL 489678-79
CN 557735 9 MP IN BOND (52-foot combination-door boxcar)
CN 235196 MEAT (44-foot mechanical meat reefer)
MDT 13752 MT (36-foot reefer)

634XXX 740121
634157 74XX40 MT, NIL (40-foot COFC flatcar, rebuilt from 40-foot boxcar)

590110 VEHICLE RAMP (40-foot auto boxcar)


504019 NL 489667-68 HIGHWAY (40-foot boxcar)

704620 69-70-71 HIGHWAY (trilevel auto rack)

12451 72-73-74 HIGHWAY

700030 75-76-77 HIGHWAY (trilevel auto rack)

MDT 13844 MT (36-foot reefer)

634244-740890 MOUNT PEARL S.R. 111117
            -740208 ARNOLDS COVE 5 CIL ST JOHNS
633197-NIL, NIL, 740708 MT
633169- CNEU540040

             -CNEU840243MT, CNEU 540111
(above three cars 40-foot COFC flatcars rebuilt from 40-foot boxcars)

Two more placard-related photos...here's a view of an empty placard holder, originally from a tank car:
Here's your future blogger, perched on a right-of-way fencepost, having discovered a Do Not Hump placard at the intermediate signals at Mi 183 Kingston Sub, early-spring 1975. This photo was taken by my Dad, Laurence Gagnon, who died last Friday. Watch for an upcoming post on his influence and interests in all things train-related, and kindly spare a thought for my Mom and our family as we reflect on his most meaningful, memory-filled life and legacy.
Speaking of that legacy, I'm happy to publicize another episode of TLC's new series Railfan Sisters. In this episode, my sister is driving (and photographing) (oh, and probably talking) as she meets a westbound CN freight at Mi 180 Kingston Sub. The train with its coterie of paper, lumber and tank car traffic, looks like Moncton-Toronto CN M305:
 Six cars later:
 Then another ten cars in, with trilevels on the tail end:
This is an interesting feature of the Kingston Sub's profile. Often referred to by crews as "coming down into the bay" because this is water level, 255 ft ASL. Dropping 60 feet from Kingston Mills, before reattaining the same level at Ernestown, the track profile is at its lowest point from Kingston westward to Toronto. Collins Bay on Lake Ontario is the first view of the lake west of the St Lawrence River, and the last clear view of the lake until reaching the Cobourg area. The dip in the track profile is especially noticeable in my sister's first photo, above. Here's a 2012 post on Collins Bay.


Allison said...

Just a note on Eric's sister's (my) drive-and-shoot tendencies...with the iPhone I can shoot while having one (and a half) hands on the wheel. And I think I was only talking to Mom between shots, not during them. ;-)
What's a girl to do?!?
Your do-not-hump photo is really cute. I think we will be enjoying Dad's photo records of our antics for a long time to come.

Eric said...

Thanks for your kind and supportive words, Andy. I am also looking forward to taking a trip down memory 'line'. I really think railways are something that gets in our blood.

Eric said...

Allison, you are owning your drive-and-shoot tendencies, well sort of.

Keep it up. This is how memories are made, and recorded for posterity!

Steve Boyko said...

So sorry for your loss, Eric (and Allison and family).

Eric said...

Thanks very much, Steve, on behalf of our family. Your kind words are much appreciated.

BArailsystem said...

It saddens me to hear of your loss Eric. My condolences to you and your family.


Michael said...

From everything I've read on this blog over the years, your father sounded like a wonderful mentor and friend. No doubt you will continue to honour his memory through your insightful writing on this blog. All the best to you and your family.

Eric said...

Thank you, Ben. It is great to have your support at a time like this.

Eric said...

I will indeed, Michael. Though I haven't expressed it often on Trackside Treasure, what you have said is very true. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.