Friday, December 20, 2024

Merry Christmas 2024

On December 20, 2021 GMTX 2323-2284 were bringing their train north from the Invista plant on Kingston's Front Road, through the Cataraqui Conservation Area. I was attempting to unimpale myself from several 'punji sticks' in the undergrowth to get the perfect winter photo. The fact that I have to retrace my photographic steps three years to get a nice, wintry shot speak to what a fair-weather railfan I am. 

Oh sure, I've done my time at refrigerator-like cold spots like the Amherstview sports field and Kingston VIA station, nearly losing extremities in the extreme, bitter, biting cold winds off Lake Ontario, scrabbling from bench, bleacher or car to the tracks to scribble the numbers in a flurry of activity, a fairly fleeting glance of one of winter's trains as it quietly and quickly dashed away all to its destination leaving me in a swirl of snow, a nacelle of nostalgia, adrift in a snow drift while documenting. But baby, it's cold outside! I'll just stay home and listen to the king cat Nat King Cole Trio imaginarily imaging these lightly-seasoned lyrics of the season sonorously sifting through my warm home airspace...

Sung to the tune of...Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire: 

Trackside Treasure and an open fire,
MacBook balanced on my knee,
Nice warm beverage surely helps to inspire,
My wife's sure I'm outta my tree!

Deep down, she knows, those CN, CP, VIA trains,
GO dancin' 'cross the screen so bright,
Hubby railfan, bloodshot eyes all aglow
will stay up late to blog tonight.

A brand-new post is on its way,
It happens once each six or sometimes seven days,
And every loyal reader is 'bout to see,
What I've been working on, beside my Christmas tree.

And so I'm flipping through my VIA sched-yule
 for trains of yore, from 1 to 92,
Time to put both this festive post and me to bed,
"Merry Christmas to you!"
And so I greet this opportunity annually to thank my treasured Trackside Treasure blog partners: 
  • Steve - early-riser star- and train-shooter and more!
  • Stephen - prolific shelf layout modeller, railfan and photographer
  • Michael - always on the lookout for new railfanning experiences in Ontario
  • Bernard - top-level modelling with a historical twist
  • Matthieu - sharing believable and prototype Canadian modelling
  • Jim - three words: In. No. V-ative!!
  • Chris - one of our country's great model railway thought-leaders
  • Marc - in BC, modelling and mining northern Manitoba!
  • Don/George/Peter - wide range of model/proto subjects from three contributors.
Their prolific posting, deep thought and unselfish sharing sustains you and me both throughout each year. Actually, many years. My brother Dave just published a post on his Rolly Martin Country blog noting a special anniversary. The namesake of his blog enjoyed a long career on the CPR, intersecting with my brother's time with CP Rail and a perennial friendship (David Gagnon photo): 
A special mention to former Manitoba & Minnesota Subdivision blogger and model railroader John Longhurst of Winnipeg, recently named as a Member of the Order of Canada. As the religion columnist and reporter at the Winnipeg Free Press, John made it his goal to promote positive interdenominational relations, to reduce hate and to help readers see the humanity in every person. Congratulations, John!

Of course there is a great cloud of witnesses, er, readers who frequent this space frequently, calling in a comment, pondering a post, perhaps questioning my sanity at times, and occasionally calling out my credibility (!) and for all of them I am as grateful as a grinning garden gnome, as effusive as an ebullient elf, as jolly and as old as the Nick of time. Without this blog, I would never be enabled to share in the photographic prowess of many of you, and...
...some recent Trackside Treasure header photos come to mind. Ian Stronach caught two shovelers at Delson, QC in this evocative photo that made my knees freeze, my toes froze and put a shiver in my liver (above). Ian kindly shared some additional information on the making of the photo. "Nothing was moving on the CP Adirondack Subdivision at Delson that day in 1971 as the sectionmen battled Mother Nature. The D&H passenger train, The Laurentian, with EL E-units, was stopped at the home signal at the CN diamond in the distance as the switch to the Napierville Junction needed cleaning as well. The northbound freight on the right could not reverse onto its train until the power operated switch was dug out and lined normal. I was 18 at the time and I doubt I would be brave (foolish) enough to do that today"! VIA engineer Jordan McCallum was in the Metrolinx Bathurst yard in downtown Toronto during an Oakville Sub work block that prevented VIA trains from reaching the Toronto Maintenance Centre from Nov.29-Dec.1: 
Mark David Zulkoskey definitely did not stay home on December 6, catching the CP Holiday Train on its journey west from Moosomin, SK. Passing the Pool elevator, built in 1946, it seemingly smokes its way to shows in Indian Head and Qu'Appelle. Remember Leanin' Tree Christmas cards, many painted by the prolific Howard Fogg?
If you remember posting (when that meant putting something in a mailbox, not just on social media) these, then Mark's image will definitely ring a bell. (Hey, an angel just got its wings! It's a wonderful photo!):
Occasionally I switch from the QWERTY keyboard to the CDEFGABC keyboard, like I did just this week (Richard Cooper photo - below). And sometimes I get carried away and produce some sort of train-related music video. I use the term 'music video' lightly. In fact, I use the term 'lightly' lightly! 
If you're bored or buzzed or both, this is my Christmas playlist. Let's parody Taylor Swift and call it the VIAeras Tour! Listen at your own risk:
For sale on social media in Quebec "Cars still in the box, never been driven. Some are new without box and some already ridden." Ten bucks each. Wallowing in nostalgia here. These were the cars of our youth and frequently our Christmas presents, one or two under the tree from 'Santa'. Santa always wrote our names on masking tape, in block letters, with a pen. Now they're for sale at 'yard sale prices':

Before we turn another wheel or another year, let me take this time to pause and to say:

Merry Christmas!
And again, Peace.

Greetings of the season may not be arriving by mail in the Nick of time for Christmas this year due to the CUPW labour difficulties. I present, for your festive festooning, some greetings that arrived in "the new old-fashioned way":
From the VIA CEO:
Bob Palmer:

Richard Merriam:

MHO Junction:

Ian Stronach:

Mark Hudson/L&N Historical Society:

Reginald Fitzpatrick, Franz agent-operator:

Steve Hoshel:

Bob Fallowfield / Waterloo Railway Expo:

John Longhurst:

Christoph Grimm:

Jim Burnside:

Mike Robin - Cochrane, ON

Sean Dawson:

George, Don and Peter - The White River Division bloggers:

Brian Barchard:

Remy Gagnon

Stephen Turner:

Steve Bradley:

Tim Mayhew:

Rapido Trains Inc.:

The Source - Lion Liu:

Brent Larson:

Lance Gleich - a card that actually arrives in the real mailbox!

Elijah Hall - Super Continental expert!

Gerry Gaugl:

Cameron Applegath:

Jack Hughes:


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours! Looking forward to more great posts in the year ahead.

  2. And Merry Christmas to you Eric. Today, I saw a very mixed freight from the parking lot of the No Frills on Bath/Bayridge. It really adds to the shopping occasion. There is also the short path on the north side of the tracks just east of there along the south shore of the pond accessible from the south end of Old Hillview Rd. Anyway, it's been another good year enjoying reading your blogs!

  3. Hi Jim and Mike,

    Thanks for your greetings. Jim, I'll do my best to keep the posts a-comin'! Mike, I haven't really been up to that Hillview pond too much, as it always seems to be on the shady side for photography. I do, however, always enjoy seeing a train while leaving or arriving at No Frills. I rue the pharmacy and dollar-section that was added - the addition to the store ruined a dozen or so good parking spaces that were at the north end of the store and had a great view of the tracks. The store badly needs a second cart-return as well, I might add!

    Thanks for your comments,


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