Friday, May 3, 2024

VIA's LRC in Decline

It's a funny feeling to be trackside with VIA over the last 40 years, spanning not only the genesis of VIA but also the implementation of the LRC fleet, but now its replacement. I was trackside at the dawn of VIA's LRC era, photographing them in their first decade in service. The LRC locomotive fleet began to be withdrawn from service after ten years, with the last few operating into 2001. Initially announced in 2008 with a Request for Proposals for refurbishing of all 98 cars. 

Discussion of the success and challenges of the refurbishing program, by Industrial Rail Services Inc. (IRSI) in Moncton, are beyond the scope of this post, although structural problems with some of the fleet's floors were found by engineers at IRSI in 2012 and some work was completed by CAD in Lachine after IRSI entered receivership. Spanning 2011 to 2014, the LRC refurbishment program involved only a portion of the Economy Class fleet, extending some of the cars' lives. Business Class cars received a "short-cut" rebuilding in 2014.


Today, the remaining LRC cars risk being sidetracked as the fleet is replaced by VIA's new Siemens Venture trainsets. LRC deadline view at VIA's Montreal Maintenance Centre, with VIA 3330 closest and the very VIAewable REM raised right-of-way in background (top photo - Trackside Treasure collection).

There are efforts being made via various social media to document the decline and sidetracking of the remaining LRC cars, and calls to preserve at least one are already being heard! Such calls were also made in 2001, with VIA LRC locomotives 6917 and 6921 saved from scrapping. This post comprises my efforts to document this decline.


When I published my first Trackside Treasure post back in 2008, I envisioned a lot of retro railfan reports showing trains of yore. I've since published some hallmark posts dealing with somewhat diverse topics like VIA reversing its Skylines, though publishing a lot of hallmark posts was never my intention for this blog. 

Regardless, I've been keeping several long-running VIAcentric posts alive, adding information as it becomes available, all with updates within the last month! This information would probably be best chronicled in a book, or other more permanent format, but I don't know when any of these topics will be "complete" and therefore print-worthy. For reference, here are links to these still-living posts:
And now this additional live one on the decline of VIA's LRC fleet! VIA 3460-3361F-3324R-3323R earn their keep on March 30, 2024 at Kingston (below). 


In this post, I'm publishing a simple list (no spreadsheets, please!) of the remaining LRC cars. I intend to update the list, keeping this post "alive" as the cars' status changes and they enter storage or worse! Ten LRC cars were pulled from service in and stored unserviceable at the end of January, 2024 as the Ventures come online. A March video view aboard Montreal's REM of the MMC shows six sidelined LRC cars visible, up from two visible in November, 2023. LRC cars have already been switched to various other tracks at MMC when space is needed. 

The listings in this post "begin" in late-March, 2024 when I first became aware of a growing list of cars being sidetracked as the Venture fleet was nearly 50% delivered, with 10 Venture trainsets being tested or in use.

Just for the record, the bullet points below represent my initial tally of cars no longer in regular use, as of March 23, 2024. I have since incorporated this list into the main list below.
  • Retired - likely for scrapping: 3315, 3317, 3319, 3321, 3328, 3339, 3344, 3346, 3348.
  • Stored unserviceable - possibly for scrapping: 3303, 3327, 3330, 3331, 3332, 3345, 3347.
  • Stored serviceable: 3322.
Cars are listed by class (Economy/Business) and consecutively by number within each class. Not all cars are shown. Some are missing due to previous incidents: 3457 and 3349 at the 1994 Brighton fire; 3454 damaged in the 2012 Aldershot derailment; 3453 on shop trucks at CAD in 2021 after being damaged at the 2019 side-swipe at Ernestown. 

Latest update: May 2, 2024 
Economy Class: 54 active, 19 not
Business Class: 24 active, 4 not
(v = active, any remarks follow):

3300 - v
3301 - v
3302 - v
3303 - stored unserviceable
3304 - v
3305 - v
3306 - v
3307 - was v Apr 6; in shop Apr 22
3308 - v
3309 - v
3310 - v
3311 - v
3312 - v
3313 - v
3314 - v
3315 - retired
3316 - v
3317 - retired
3318 - v
3319 - retired
3320 - v
3321 - retired at TMC chocked with no handbrakes
3322 - stored serviceable
3323 - v
3324 - was v; in shop Apr 22
3325 - was v Apr 7;  OK for service Apr 22
3326 - v
3327 - stored unserviceable
3328 - retired
3329 - was v Apr 6; OK for service Apr 22
3330 - stored unserviceable
3331 - stored unserviceable
3332 - stored unserviceable
3333 - v
3334 - v
3335 - v
3336 - v
3337 - v
3338 - v
3339 - retired
3340 - was v Apr 6; OK for service Apr 22
3341 - v
3342 - v
3343 - v
3344 - retired
3345 - stored unserviceable
3346 - retired
3347 - stored unserviceable
3348 - retired
3350 - v 
3351 - v
3352 - v
3353 - v 
3354 - v 
3355 - v
3356 - v
3357 - v
3358 - v
3359 - v
3360 - v
3361 - v
3362 - v
3363 - v
3364 - v
3365 - v
3366 - v
3367 - v
3368 - v
3369 - v
3370 - v
3371 - v
3372 - retired Apr 22


3451 - stored unserviceable
3452 - was v Apr 6, OK for service Apr 22
3455 - v
3456 - was V Mar 24; OK for service Apr 22
3458 - v
3459 - v
3460 - v
3461 - v
3462 - v
3463 - v
3464 - v
3465 - v
3466 - v
3467 - v
3468 - v
3469 - v
3470 - v
3471 - v
3472 - v
3473 - v
3474 - v
3475 - v then B/O fridge May 5
3476 - v
3477 - v
3478 - v

Stop back often to see the 'v's being replaced with other notations denoting the remaining cars' sidelining, sidetracking or stored unserviceabling.

Thanks to my sources - those who know that I know who they are.

Running extra...
Trackside Treasure will be doing what everyone else does when their entity reaches a certain point in its trajectory. A brand-new product - Trackside Tequila! Perfect to enjoy while you're relaxing and reading Harper Lee's classic novel, Tequila Mockingbird. It if wasn't tequila, it would likely have been VIAdka! I asked The Rock to help me with the launch. That's me in the corne!
Trackside Treasure will also be doing another one of those trajectory things - launching a podcast. Podcasts require catchy names to distract from the fact that it's just a guy droning on for three hours. My wife tells me that the sound of my voice can put one to sleep, so my working title is The Sleeper Series. I think it just ties everything together, though I have yet to gauge reaction!
Trackside Treasure will be getting into Crypto. [Revision: we will not be getting into Crypto. I realized I knew SFA about EFT and NFT so I postponed the IPO before I spent a single FTE or got into the TSX or got into trouble with the CSE or the CRA for NSF]. I'm going to stick to LRC, CNR, CPR and some VIA thrown in!
Oh darn, I was disappointed my plan had gone awry. There must be something else I could try. Nothing came to mind - nothing more yet. So I decided this blog needed a poet laureate. I got out my notebook and needed a place to chuck it. Fortunately, I had a spare bucket. Yes, that's where I decided to tuck it! Maybe I should leave it to the prose.


  1. It seems weird that we are talking about LRCs being guided into retirement. These are the cars that I've been riding on since I was a kid, with the exception of a ride or two on the old blue and yellow cars in 1983. I'm officially feeling old.

  2. Yes, it's actually happening on our watch, Michael. It's enough to make a railfan feel....well-seasoned! But having ridden the Turbo, blue & yellow fleet and even steam cantrips, I'm very well-seasoned. It's all history worth appreciating and worth capturing.

    Thanks for your comment,


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