Thursday, December 21, 2023

Merry Christmas 2023

Peace. Placidity. Harmony. Restfulness. Goodwill. Concord*

As I sit here on my sofa ruminating and marinating in a beverage, I am at peace. A quick press of the remote buttons reminds me that all the world is not so. The Holy Land is an unholy mess. Homes and lives ripped asunder. Well, at least it's not here!

Or is it? Are we at peace as individuals, as families, as a country, and as a society this Christmas season? I hope so, but I fear not. Until we are at peace within ourselves, the world is a dangerous place full of dangerous relationships. But all is not lost!

My Christmas wish is that we find this Peace. This placidity. This harmony. I will do my part here on Trackside Treasure to convert controversy, to facilitate facts with a smile, to inform introspectively as well as retrospectively. 

This is my annual opportunity to wish a Merry Christmas to my fellow bloggers: Steve, Dave, Stephen, Michael, Bernard, Matthieu, Jim, Chris, Derek, Marc, and Don/George/Peter! One need only read their written and pictorial offerings to see it's a big world out there replete with respectful relationships. All truly is not lost!

Merry Christmas!
And again, Peace.

*obligatory Monty Python reference: "On, Concorde!" [Concorde, an arrow with note hitting him in the torso:] "Message for you, Sir!" "Oh dear, sweet Concorde, you shall not have died in vain." Concorde: "I'm not quite dead yet, Sir! I think I might pull through."

Winnipeg phothoggerapher Mark Perry is suggesting members of his photography group post their favourite 5 (or 10, or whatever) photos taken in 2023. Photos do not have to include trains. I thought it was a good challenge and it got me going through my photos from 2023. Here are the ten photos I selected, many of which have appeared on Trackside Treasure.

Season's Greetings received so far:

Jim Parker: 

Ira Silverman:
Bernard Kempinski:
Lance Gleich via mail!...
The inimitable Bob Fallowfield and a 

Brent Larson:
 From the White River Division crew, Peter Mumby, Don Janes and George Dutka:
Mike Robin's Ontario Northland:
Steve Bradley:
Kingston's own Paul Wash:
John Reay, photo taken at Port Hope, ON:
Meanwhile, at Toronto Union, Emmerson Case:
Who says you can't mix church and scale? Religion writer and model railroader John Longhurst:
Steve Hoshel:
Rapido Trains Inc...
Cameron Wales' moody, foggy Christmas Eve at Brockville station:
Merry Christmas and Hobby Holidays from Lodge 1:87 somewhere between Sudbury and White River - Jeff Keddy:
VIA Historical Association - Glenn Courtney photo:
The Amazing Andre Gerow saying it so well:

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