Sunday, January 1, 2023

Another CP Wayfreight on Kingston's Hanley Spur in HO Scale

I've titled this post 'Another' because nearly four years ago,  I chronicled a quite different CP roadswitcher job covering the same territory. That run was made early in the life of the Hanley Spur iteration of my layout. Four years later, I've added structures, scenery and much more. Let's follow a CP S-3 6516 that has come to Kingston from Smiths Falls via Tichborne to serve some of  CP's customers. The CP agent has driven over to talk to the crew (top photo) then it's Gus Marker Cement to drop off a load:
Just down the line is the string of modern (well, 1950's) warehouses along Railway Street. Weldwood Lumber meets the wall at an angle, just leaving room for a short car spot:

MacCosham Van Lines is just across Railway Street, today receiving two loads of household effects from a family moving in from New England, apparently. The parallel warehouses are all trailing point switches:
Weston's Bakeries has an inbound load of flour:
A bit of joint trackage with CN serves Presland iron & Steel, just north of CN's Outer Station. These covered script gondolas were frequently seen along the two southernmost miles of CP's Kingston Subdivision in Kingston:
Isaac Cohen's rambling scrapyard is intermittently fenced. An outbound load of scrap is getting lifted by CP 6516:
Ready to pull the load out through the scrapyard and up to Railway Street:
Skirting the Great Cataraqui River and now serving the farthest-south CP customer at Place d'Armes, Anglin Coal. Tiptoeing up the inclined track to the coal unloading shed:
Just prior to heading back north, Dyeco on Orchard Street gets switched, as a local citizen looks on from the River Street bridge:
The crew's wooden van crosses Cataraqui Street:
Coal hoppers, scrap loads, and old ice reefers represent commodities that do not bode well for the future viability of the shippers or the line:

No cars for C.E. MacPherson today, so it's time to head north to Tichborne, having switched several customers this trip, and several more pending on the next trip to town.

Heading north through the Railway Street warehouse district:

Running extra...

Haven't blogged since last year! Hoping your 2023 is great so far. After all the holiday (and derailment!) posting, Trackside Treasure will be resuming its normal week-end (or weekend) posting schedule, closing in on 800 published post in this blog's 13-year history!

New Year's Eve programming was a pastiche of Nashville's Big Bash country music on CBS, New Year's Rockin' Eve on ABC, United in Song on PBS, and Miley Cyrus, Dolly Parton and sober Anderson Cooper. Today's usual Rose Parade must have run into scheduling conflicts with the Sunday morning political programs and NFL - it will air on New Year's Day +1! On this actual New year's Day, it's the London New Year's Day Parade on PBS!

Gustatory highlights: cranberry with no berries, orange juice with extra pulp, no snow, and a rotisserie chicken sale-abration of 662 barbecued birds at Costco, with 324 sold by 1030.


  1. The Rose Parade always moves to the Monday if New Year's Day falls on a Sunday.

  2. That would have been 2017, 2006 and 1995 - about once per decade. Not a common coinidence!
    Thanks for that additional information, Stu.

  3. Happy New Year Eric.
    I haven't visited too much since my previous laptop stopped connecting to the internet.
    I have now re-joined the Internet World and am playing catch up with everything I've missed.
    There will be more comments forthcoming I am sure.
    Thanks for keeping on.
    Onward now, to 2023.

  4. Hi Michael and Robert,

    You're in the right place to see CP switching. It's easy to catch up here, since I only post once per week. I'm looking forward to 52ish more posts in 2023. At this point, I have little idea what I'll be posting. Stay tuned, with me, to find out!

    Thanks for your comments. Happy New Year!


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