Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Trackside Treasure Seventh Anniversary

What is it about anniversaries? After all, each day follows another in a serial sunrise-sunset sequence. Anniversaries are significant to us because each year, we have a chance to reflect, look forward (above at Tompkins, SK) look back (below at Carmichael, SK both in 1986) and...hold a contest!
For a minute, imagine that I created each Trackside Treasure post then simply saved it in my laptop. What would that do for me? Not much, and nothing at all for you. The value of Trackside Treasure is in sharing! Do you think every post is the best thing since sliced bread, loyal reader? Probably not. But every so often, one hits you right between the eyes, in the heart, in your memory bank or possibly gets you up out of your chair to go to the archives, your bookshelf, Google or best yet, trackside. And, it's completely free, unlike most things these days! 

Over these past seven years, my enthusiasm for blogging has not waned. Just this week I again felt the call to action! Scurrying off to the archives to collect data and scan prints of a Super Continental trip in 1978, VIA up the Ottawa Valley on CP rails in the mid-eighties, and some grain elevator office placards from the 1920s. Clearly Canadian! Drifting diversity. Wide-ranging what's-it-about. Energizingly eclectic. These are subjects that I'm interested in, though it's unlikely every single reader shares my level of enthusiasm for each. And that's OK. At my not-blistering posting pace of once per week, you're unlikely to fall behind, and I trust there's always something coming down the track that will reward your continued interest.

I recently read Robin Sharma's book The Greatness Guide which included Erma Bombeck's resonant quote: "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, I used everything you gave me". In this context, I would paraphrase it thus: "When Trackside Treasure comes to an end, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of data or one unshared photo left, and could say, "I shared everything I had through this blog!"

I couldn't do it without fruitful feedback, simmering submitted suggestions from readers, the boffo blogs my blog partners share in my sidebar, evergreen enthusiasm to learn, and determined drive to discover and share more.

Thanks for joining me on this ride for these seven years! 

Now to the contest. Actually TWO contests - a Trackside Treasure anniversary first! And second!

To enter, contact me by email at mile179kingstonATyahooDOTca or post a comment at the end of this post*. The winner of each contest will receive the annually-assembled Trackside Treasure prize pack.
Contest One - Hurry! Enter Now!
How observant are you?
What do these four photos have in common? 
 Belleville, ON March 2011 (above) Syracuse, NY January 2013 (below)

 Brockville, ON January 2014 (above) Napanee, ON March 1987 (below)
The first person sending in the correct answer wins.

Contest Two - Take Your Time!
The aliens have landed. Apparently in a Super-Dome.
They ask you to describe Trackside Treasure in seven words. 
These words can be one sentence, just a list of words, a saying, or whatever. 
Be creative! The most creative answer wins.

*Legal disclaimer: Not valid in the state of Hawaii or the South American nation of Venezuela. Professional driver on closed course. May cause swelling of the hands and the condition known as 'hot dog fingers'. Does not contain nuts but was produced by someone who is nuts. Dealer may sell for less. 'Extra cheese' counts as a topping. If condition persists for more than four hours, consult somebody. Anybody. 


  1. The top four photos have the number 7 in common, methinks.

    Congrats, by the way. I wasn't around at the beginning of the ride, but I hopped aboard a few years afterward and have been riding along with enthusiasm since.

    Seven words to describe TT...

    The definitive source for Canadian railway enlightenment.

    Keep up the good work. I look forward to many more years.

  2. Congratulations on seven years! youngster ;)

    I always look forward to TT posts, each with a laser-like look at a particular topic, and chock full of alliteration to boot!

    Seven words: An in-depth dive into Canadian railroading.

  3. For your first contest, everything in those 4 pictures has wheels gauged at 4' 8 1/2"!


  4. 7 and for seven words great excellent amazing Canadian railways Trackside Treasure

  5. "Read all about it in Trackside Treasure"

    Regarding your first contest in addition to the 7 and 4'-8.5" gauge they were all taken in North America (Ha ha)

    Malcolm Napanee

  6. Congratulations on seven years Eric! Always a treat to see a new Trackside Treasure post.

    Things I see in common with your photos are:
    The number 7.
    They are all standard gauge.
    They are all Trackside Treasure!

    Seven words to describe Trackside Treasure:
    Interesting and well researched railroad themed articles.

    Keep up the great work Eric. Your blog has had a big influence on my railroad photography and videography. I always enjoy the photos in your posts and your keen eye for trackside treasure. The puns and alliterations are top notch as well.



Comment and contribute! First name, please!